chapter 7

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"Try this one!" John extended his hand, he grabbed the red fruit and brought it to Avalon's mouth , the merman munched and moaned as the sweet taste exploded in his mouth, "it's called strawberry ," John grinned in delight , he leaned and licked Avalon's lips, loving their sweetness .

"Can I have another ?" Avalon pleaded, John chuckled and brought another strawberry from the plate that was loaded with different kinds of fruits that he bought earlier in the market.

People were still dealing with the consequences caused by the tsunami , however John couldn't say that the tsunami bothered him, as cruel as it sounds he was glad , probably the only one on this island , after all he hasn't suffered damage or lost .

Billy was missing , that's the only thing that bothered him and even that wasn't enough to bring him down from the euphoria he felt around Avalon .

He didn't let his mind be bothered by thoughts of the future, he focused on the present , he gained happiness from Avalon's smile and the way the merman looked at him, John knew that his love for Avalon as strong as it was, wasn't unrequited , he knew Avalon felt the same even though he didn't say a word but that was enough for him, he was on top of the world, happy and confident ...

Avalon's happiness however went along with great sadness , because unlike the human, the merman did thought about the future, a future that he will not share with the human, the full moon is to be tomorrow and Avalon's heart felt heavy, he knew that it would be the time for him to depart from his beloved ...

All was planned , he felt suffocated , he barely managed to smile but he needed to make John believe that everything was in order or else it would be harder...


The next morning John couldn't shake the bad feeling that crept into his heart, he strolled on the beach, he already changed Avalon's water and brought fish, he thought that staring at Avalon's sleeping figure will calm him but the opposite happened , it was as if this bad feeling had something with Avalon and it scared him.

John returned to the cabin , Avalon was awake and greeted him with a smile , and just like that all his worries were forgotten .

"I was wondering , " Avalon started but didn't continue , John tilted his head waiting for him to speak.

"No it's nothing ," Avalon shook his head, John shrugged and walked towards him, he crouched and kissed him , "good morning " he whispered , Avalon giggled as John's stubble tickled him, he wrapped his hands around John's neck and returned the kiss .

Avalon broke the kiss and stared at John with glossy eyes , his face serious "John what would you do if I left ?" John blinked in confusion , "but you're not leaving , you can't " ,

"But what if I could ?" The merman insisted , John shook his head , "why would you leave? We're in love!" John frowned , just the the thought of Avalon leaving him stressed him.

"I told you before , John , I belong in the sea " Avalon spoke quietly , admitting that out loud was hard on him, "you belong with me!" John said firmly , he was tense.

Avalon stared helplessly before caressing the human's face , "that was just a thought , please calm down..." he soothed.

John immediately relaxed under the touch," just... don't say it again ..." John sighed , Avalon nodded and pulled John for a deep kiss,

"That was just a thought ..."

Avalon whispered .

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