Nineteen - Almost Charming

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The sound of thunder interrupted Dana and Katie. Katie reluctantly pulled away from Dana, Dana chasing after Katie's lips in response. "Was that thunder?" Dana nodded, looking up to the sky. "Why does it start storming whenever we kiss?" Katie pouted turning to Dana. "Maybe it's a sign."

Dana shrugged. "Yeah that or we just live in a town where it happens to rain a lot," she suggested shrugging nonchalantly. Katie sent her a disapproving look making Dana's shoulders rise in defense, "It could happen. Haven't you ever seen The Exorcism of Emily Rose?"

"So now you're comparing us to a horror movie. Wow, why don't you tell me how you really feel?"

Dana couldn't help but laugh at the sarcasm in Katie's voice, and Katie couldn't help but smile at the sound of Dana's laugh. Dana hated it her laugh, but Katie had discovered how much she loved that sound. Katie would have lost herself in Dana's laugh and eyes if the door below them hadn't opened and Zach hadn't walked out.

The mini-Mason, dressed in a Kid Flash costume, looked around calling for Dana, but turned to walk back inside after failing to see her seated beside Katie on the low roof. Dana leapt off of the roof and onto the deck nearly giving Zach a heart attack as he collapsed to the ground with a shriek. Dana couldn't contain her laughter as she extended her hand to help Zach back to his feet.

Zach was barely on his feet when Katie hopped down from the roof and startled him again. Dana stopped Zach from falling a second time, catching him before he could reach the ground. "Where did you two come from?" He voice broke. "And are there more of you?" He spun around, his head whipping back and forth.

Dana laughed at Zach again. "No," she shook her head, "it was just us two. We were sitting on the roof talking." Dana explained to him.

Zach adjusted himself, attempting to literally shake the incident off. "God I hate Halloween."

"Let's go, kid." Dana smiled, ruffling Zach's short black curls, and led him inside. Katie followed the two inside before sneaking away and finding something besides Dana to occupy her time.

Katie was talking to a few people when Jesse wrapped his arm around her from behind. "Hey babe, where've you been?" Katie almost gagged, smelling the obnoxious amount of alcohol on his breath.

"Jesse," Katie pushed Jesse off of her, "you reek!" She whined at him. The people she was talking to awkwardly dismissed themselves and left Katie to fend for herself. Jesse was attempting to kiss Katie's neck, but she continuously pushed him away and slapped his wandering hands away from her.

Several people saw Katie struggling with Jesse, but they ignored the situation. Dana, obviously, would have run to help Katie if she had seen, but Zach and Marissa had Dana's attention in another part of the house. Dana wasn't aware of any kind of struggle until she heard Grace yelling at Jesse.

Dana, along with Zach and Marissa, ran to find the source of the yelling. They arrived in the room just in time to witness Mason tossing Jesse out of the door, and Eddie lying on the ground with Grace by his side attempting to help him. Dana ran over to Grace, asking what happened.

"Jesse's an ass is what happened!" Eddie answered, standing up with Grace's aid. Eddie used the back of his palm to wipe blood from his nose. Grace then proceeded to examine Eddie to ensure he was okay. "I was talking to Grace when out of nowhere, he attacked me." Eddie further explained.

"He's drunk," a mousy Katie spoke. She was timid all of the sudden and her voice was barely over a whisper.

"Well thank you, Sherlock. We wouldn't have been able to solve that one on our own without your brilliance." It was clear to everyone that Eddie became cynical when angry.

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