Twenty-Seven - Happy Chocolate and Flowers Day

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Katie and Lindley had spent a couple weeks glued to each other's side. Katie went over Lindley's nearly every day after school and stayed as late as possible in an attempt to avoid her cousins as much as she could. She loved them, but Katie was used to only having to deal with them in short doses. Living with them was a whole new challenge.

Katie grabbed her book bag on Friday morning and slumped her way down the stairs and out the door when it was time to leave for school. Only two out of three of Katie's cousins were in high school. Chris was a year below Katie, being a junior, and Jeremy was a freshman. Marcus, the youngest of the boys, was in eighth grade and went to school half an hour later than the rest of the teens in the house. Chris and Jeremy were out Katherine's SUV before it was even fully stopped. Katie took her time getting out of the front seat and saying goodbye to her Aunt Katherine. The last place Katie wanted to be today was in school.

Katie walked to the art room, where Lindley spent her mornings before class. When Katie walked into the room, the teacher was over at one of the tables helping a small group of students finishing projects. Katie sent a small smile and good morning to Mrs. Price, the art teacher, before making her way to the other side of the room.

Sierra McKenna, Lindley's girlfriend, was sitting on top of one of the art tables. Lindley was standing in between Sierra's legs, playing with the holes in Sierra's dark skinny jeans. Sierra ran her hand through her thick, black waves then rested her arms on Lindley's shoulders. Katie could tell Lindley was pleading, but didn't know what for. Katie pulled out a stool beside the two lovebirds, and took a seat, plopping her book bag on top of the table. Lindley was pouting at Sierra, which only made Sierra chuckle at her girlfriend. She turned to Katie once Katie sat down.

"Katie, can you please tell this one to stop whining?" Sierra asked.

Katie pulled her loose dark curls back and into a messy bun, studying Lindley and Sierra briefly. Katie's hands settled back down to her lap as she sent a sincere look to Lindley. "Stop whining."

Sierra looked back at Lindley. "Do what the pretty girl says."

Lindley stubbornly agreed and stopped pouting. She turned to face Katie, resting one hand on Sierra's leg. Sierra dropped her arm to rest on Lindley's and moved the other around Lindley's waist. Katie's eyes followed nearly every movement the two girls made. They were so in sync with each other it was mesmerizing to Katie. She missed having that kind of touch – that kind of connection – with someone.

"So, Ms. Torres." Lindley flashed her pearly whites at Katie. "Sierra and I were talking and wanted to know if you wanted to come and spend time with us Sunday."

Katie's eyes narrowed, "Thanks, but I think I'll have to pass. I third wheel you guys enough on a daily basis. I'm not about to do so on Valentine's Day."

"It's really not a big deal. We didn't have major plans anyway." Sierra reassured her.

"Seriously," Lindley added, "we love having you around. Promise you won't be intruding."

"Seriously, Lindley. I'm okay. Thank you." Katie sent the couple a small smile. "Look, it's been almost two months since Dana and I broke up. I'm not going to spend Valentine's Day like every other single girl – listening to Adele and wallowing over my ex. My couch and I have a hot date that night." Katie sent another smile, telling the girls that she was in fact okay.

Katie spent the rest of the day internally groaning and gagging at every couple she passed by in the halls. Katie officially hated Valentine's Day. She was sick of all the cheesy love that was floating around school. Katie ran out of school the moment the last bell rang. She couldn't have been happier to escape. When Katie found her Aunt Katherine's car, she flew to the passenger seat. They waited only a few short moments for Chris and Jeremy. Katherine pulled into the driveway, but didn't turn the car off. Katie looked at her aunt puzzled, knowing something was off.

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