Thirty - Perfect

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Prom night didn't last forever. The last couple of weeks at school flew by after that night. Ashley had an extra ticket for graduation and asked Katie to come. Katie sat in the bleachers beside Ashley's family and watched as her friends crossed the stage to receive their diplomas.

After the ceremony ended, Katie found her friends and took pictures with them in their caps and gowns. Every single person who saw her told Katie that she should've been standing on that stage along with everyone else. Katie just smiled and told everyone that she was just happy she could be there to see and support them all.

After Katie's graduation, her aunt decided to throw her a graduation party. Dana, Ashley, Mason, Jesse, Eddie, and Grace all made the trip to Katie's aunt's house for the party. Martina was now home from school and was more than happy to help plan the party with Katherine.

Lindley and Sierra got introduced to all of Katie's old friends. Lindley and Sierra had already spent quite a bit of time with Ashley so they were hitting it off as usual, and Ashley was taking the job of introducing the two to everyone. Mason and Eddie had found the snacks and spent a significant amount of time testing how far they could throw cheese balls into one another's mouth. Dana had found her way to Katie's Aunt Katherine and was getting along with her swimmingly. Katie wanted to socialize more with her friends, but she had to spend her time mingling with all of the guests at the party, not just the ones she was closest to.

Katie's mother was at the party and pulled Katie aside, asking if she could speak to her. Martina was standing by close enough in case Katie needed any support. "I'm sorry." Katie's eyes widened at her mother's words.

"What?" Katie didn't know if she heard her mother correctly or if she was just dreaming.

"I talked to your Aunt Kat. About everything," Pam began to explain. "I talked to her about so much that I know I annoyed the both of us." Pam paused, and took a deep breath in. "I was surprised Martina had as much to say as she did when I asked about her feelings on..." Pam trailed off.

"On me being gay?" Katie's words caught Pam off guard.

"Both of them mentioned your father, and what he would have said to you. What he would have done." Pam stood straight, composing herself. "Martina and your Aunt Katherine both said that he would have been happy you fell in love. He wouldn't have cared who it was with."

Katie waited for her mom to continue, but Pam didn't speak up. "Is that it?" Katie's words were harsh. "Or was there more?"

"Now that school is over, I just wanted to ask you to come back home. I was wrong for everything I said and did." Pam genuinely did regret sending her daughter away. Pam didn't fully support the idea of either one of her daughters being gay, but she had learned to accept it.

"Okay." Katie crossed her arms over her chest. "But you have to know that I'm not moving in for you. I'm moving back because Marti is back home, Dana and Eddie are across the street, and all of my friends are just down the road. I'm moving in so I can have the best summer possible before I leave for school in the fall. I'm not moving back in because I forgive you." Katie left without saying another word.

Katie took Pam aback, but she didn't have the right to be hurt. Katie started packing the day after her party. She was going to miss her Aunt Katherine, but she was determined to have the best summer possible. And to do that, she had to be back in Ridgeway.

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Katie and Dana's group of friends spent a week at the beach in August. They all wanted one last hurrah together before all going away for college. The group was on the beach. Mason and Ashley were sitting under an umbrella, Zach and Mason sleeping as Ashley read a book next to them. Jesse and Eddie were having a sandcastle-building contest with Marissa and Grace as the judges. Lindley and Sierra were in the water, waving for Dana and Katie to join them.

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