Chapter 27: Double Agent

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Employees raced around the Flying Dragon, preparing for the meeting tonight. Announcements were hung at all the entrances, telling patrons the club would be closed for some work. Dragon Enterprises security guards patrolled the building. Since the news of Henry's arrival, Zhuge had ordered his men to stay on high alert and notify him of any suspicious activity, no matter how small or unimportant. Under no circumstance was personnel permitted to leave any post unguarded. The meeting was only a few hours away. Zhou Yun continued through the day as if everything was normal.

The meeting was still happening despite Zhuge's protests, so he had turned his resources to preparing for all the contingencies. One thing was certain, and that was that the situation was unpredictable. Zhuge had ordered his security forces to be on standby in case anything happened. Zhou Yun refused to have his people too close to him to alleviate the other leader's fears. Increased security would put the leaders of the various criminal organizations on edge, and any increased anxiety could lead to an open conflict.

Creeping on the beams high above the VIP lounge of the Flying Dragon, Achilles moved with purpose. Each footstep was silent. The air shimmered and blurred from the thermal optic camouflage adapting to the surroundings. None of the guards saw Achilles make his way in through the rooftop. Positioned overhead, Achilles could see everything going on. Cybernetic hearing allowed him to easily hear every noise in the building. Zhou Yun sat at his personal table, going over some work. Zooming in with optical enhancements, Achilles could see the Dragon planning for a meeting with his criminal connections.

Two guards stood watch behind Zhou Yun. Zhuge stood at the opposite side of the room, discussing intelligence reports with his agents.The conversation revolved around Henry's sudden appearance in Beijing. These people were right to be afraid, in the man's opinion. Using optical enhancements to read muscle tone, blood flow, and bodily functions, Achilles found the Dragon unfazed by the situation.

Achilles was surprised to see so few guards around the Flying Dragon. Maybe it was pride making Zhou Yun less cautious. Ivan had owned scores of guards, but it had made no difference. This could be a strategy. Achilles crept into position just above Zhou Yun, preparing to make his move.

Sitting at the head table, Zhou Yun went over the seating arrangement to ensure the meeting would be civil. Zhuge had organized most of the work for the event, but he lacked an understanding of the relationships. Moving around several guests would prevent hostilities and conflict. Seating was another way of defining prestige within the criminal organizations. The more powerful the organization, the closer they could expect to be seated to the Dragon. Zhou Yun was oblivious to the man lingering above him.

Leaping down, Achilles landed just in front of the table. Cybernetic implants in the man's ankle slowed his descent and cushioned his fall. Years of training allowed Achilles to perfect his shift in balance. Only the shifting thermal optical cloaking device could give the man way.

Both guards remained obvious to Achilles' presence. Zhou Yun continued to work away at the seating chart. There was nothing preventing Achilles from killing the Dragon where he sat. The guards provided little challenge to the warrior. Achilles' hand crept down towards his belt and the knife hanging off it. The shifting effect of the thermal optical cloak caught Zhuge's attention.

"We have an intruder!"

Tension raced through the room. Zhuge ordered his men to get inside. Guards raced into the Flying Dragon from every direction. Guns were drawn and Zhuge used the Dragon security neural network to show his men where to aim. Everyone aimed their guns at the invisible man standing before the Dragon.

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