Chapter 12: Political Fallout

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White walls contrasted with the hard wood benches lining the back of the room. Standing in the center of the room was a large, raised desk, behind which a panel of senators sat. Victoria had been told she couldn't attend the congressional hearing involving the Massacre in New York due to a conflict of interests. Senator Cicero had called the hearing to investigate the actions of Muse and the NYPD forces on the evening of the attack. Henry Williams and his board of directors lined the table below the Panel of Senators.

"We convene this hearing today to investigate the activities of Muse Security in the wake of the tragedy in New York City. With the increase of violence caused by cybernetic implants, it is imperative to understand the future implication of this industry. After reading Mr. Williams' report, it is clear to me that this man lacks any sense of responsibility for the lives lost that day. Further, we have heard testimony from NYPD officers claiming Muse Security handled the situation as if at war. We will turn now to Mr. Williams for his testimony."

Silence overtook the room, broken only by the shuffling of paper. Adjusting the microphone, Henry prepared to give his testimony. Senator Cicero was a moderate in the U.S. Senate and had earned his status by opposing anything seen as detrimental to America regardless of political affiliation. Victoria often spoke of her respect of Mark Cicero, but, today, the man stood opposed to the Williams family. The issue was much larger, and rampant increases in crime caused by cybernetic implants and prosthetics were the real target of the investigation.

All eyes turned to Henry Williams when he cleared his throat and took a drink of water. Journalist's video cameras focused in on Muse's CEO. Henry looked down at the speech he had prepared and then up to the senators. Everyone wanted to hear what the CEO had to say. News agencies like Owl had seized upon this opportunity and claimed it was the first step in Muse's demise. For the first time in history, a vast majority of Americans were tuned into a congressional hearing. Media outlets had dubbed this the destruction of cyber technology.

"Good afternoon. I've been summoned here to discuss the issue of cybernetic implants and prosthetics contributing to crime. It is impossible for anyone to deny the statistic that shows that cybernetic augments are almost twice as likely to cause people to commit violence crimes, but I would warn this committee that to accept this information as fact without questioning it would be wrong. I have studied the research into these statistics and found it wanting. The statistics presented here today are no more than police arrests and reports. In fact, over half of the source material for this work comes from public reports of criminals never caught or prosecuted. The facts are simply not there, but I cannot deny that cyber technology can have a detrimental effect on society."

Pausing for a moment, Henry thought about the reality of the situation. Guns increased violence, yet the Constitution protected the right to own them. Statistics even showed that gun violence was three times higher than cybernetic augments. No one discussed that, of course, because it was an accepted cultural and political reality. Cyber technology brought many good things to society, but the technology had yet to become accepted by culture.

"When one compares the crime rates of people with cybernetic augmentations to gun crime, there is no contest. Guns are still the biggest proponent of violent crimes in America, yet we will not see Colt Cross testify before a congressional hearing involving gun violence. I am here because many people fear cybernetic implants. Many religious groups called my work a crime against God. My political opponents have used this horrible tragedy to attack Muse's work. I believe in cybernetic implants and prosthetics. This technology may have a dark side, but it also gives power back to the people. I urge you all to work diligently with me and the people to make this technology safer and more available to the public. Let me make this clear: I will not stand idle and watch a witch hunt against augmented humans."

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