Chapter 28: Executive Orders

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Sweeping across the ocean, the shuttle glided towards the aircraft carrier in the distance. Jet engines parted the water in the wake of the shuttle's passage. Maj. Lee sat alone in the back, going over military intelligence reports. Glancing out the window, Edward could see the distinct shape of the Muse navy vessel, The Alesia, in the distance. The aircraft carrier was the flagship of the Muse armada. Flanked by two battleships, and protected by dozens of ships, it was a remarkable sight to behold. Edward drank in the sight of the naval formation and all the power it was carrying.

Two Muse fighter jets provided an escort for the shuttle. Gliding towards the deck of The Alesia, the shuttle pilot requested landing permission. The fighter escort broke off, having completed their objectives, and proceeded to wait for an opportunity to land. Final clearance came from The Alesia, allowing the shuttle pilot to land. Descending from the sky, the shuttle hovered to rest on the deck of the aircraft carrier. Edward stepped out of the shuttle and saw the entire armada surrounding him.

Henry had committed the best of his forces to NATO's plans. Several aircraft carriers were at the center of the naval formation. Battleships provided escorts, while cruisers formed a picket line to defend the heart of the armada. Destroyers swept the far edges for submarines and any sign of attack and provided anti-air defenses to the armada.

Lt. Cushley approached the major on deck.

"Welcome aboard, sir. Mr. Williams assigned me to assist you and bring you up to speed on the situation. Our forces are prepared as ordered and have already begun air operations to take back control of the skies." Lt. Cushley explained the situation and guided his commander towards the command center. Edward could see the crew of The Alesia working to keep everything ready for a battle at a moment's notice.

"Good work on the preparations, soldier. What is the situation, Lieutenant?"

Lt. Cushley didn't have any good news to report, and that caused him a moment of hesitation.

"NATO forces are still struggling to keep IRME forces from breaching the defense perimeter of Israel. Constant missile strikes and attacks have damage most of the nation's infrastructure. Israelis are fighting to restore their anti-missile defense system, but, by all reports, it could take several days. Muse forces are reporting tough opposition from the enemy. The only success we've had is in breaking the naval blockade, which fled at the sight of the armada." Lt. Cushley's expression revealed the gravity of the situation. Reports showed the grimness of the situation, and it would be a struggle to regain control.

Two guards opened the hatch for their commanding officer to enter. Entering into The Alesia, the sounds of activity echoed up from the bowels of the ship. Crew rushed around, attending to various duties in preparation for any attack. The IRME Navy refused to engage the enemy, but it relied on submarines to harass the NATO and allied ships. So far, none of the attacks had targeted Muse assets. Intelligence reports from inside IRME showed that leadership was hesitant to engage Muse forces. IRME leaders believed that both the U.S. and British Navies were the easier targets. Several air assaults had failed to do any damaged to the NATO armadas.

From the reports, Edward felt there would soon be an offensive. American and British forces were holding the defense perimeter of Israel at the moment. Every day brought a new influx of men and material. Several divisions of armoured forces were already mobilizing in Israel. Over a hundred thousand soldiers were already gathered inside the mobilization area and waiting on orders to attack. More troops were landing every hour. Everything was building towards the inevitable invasion. Battle loomed on the horizon and hung in the air. Everyone could feel it, and it was noticeable in the small changes in everyone's behaviour. Every soldier had his or her own coping mechanism in order to handle the fear.

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