Chapter 32: Tao of Deception

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Lightning flashed across the windows of the Flying Dragon. Each flash illuminated the cold, emotionless expression on Henry Williams' face. Sitting at the table were the leaders of the vilest criminal syndicates in the world. Walking over to a nearby table, Henry pulled the chair down and took a seat at the table opposite Zhou Yun. Guns and weapons littered the tabletop from Cpt. Anderson's search, and his troops kept their guns trained on the underworld leaders. Henry was still aiming his fifty-calibre pistol at Zhou Yun's head.

"So, these are what you call your business associates. This collection of scum and villainy that sits at this table represents your trusted people." Henry looked around the table at the group. Everyone was on the most wanted lists for their numerous crimes, and some of them were even considered terrorists. Picking up a piece of bread, Henry popped it in his mouth and chewed for a moment. Zhou Yun remained calm looking back across the table at the Muse CEO.

"These men are not just my men, Henry. According to our agreement, I promised that criminal organizations would stop preying on Muse. I have lived up to my word, have I not? These men are now in your employ, as well."

Sergei and Dawood didn't like what they were hearing, but both men tried to contain their emotions. Any outburst could cause both men's deaths at the hands of their nemesis. Henry could sense the animosity from the two men. None of the others seemed to care one way or another.

Zhou Yun managed to keep the gang of murderers and thieves in line. Keeping a close eye on everyone at the table, Henry sized the situation up. Each of the criminal family leaders was a danger on their own, but, together, the group represented the sum of all crime. "The CEOs of Crime" was the appropriate title Zhou Yun had given the men. Cpt. Anderson's team stood prepared to shoot at any sign of hostility. Staring across the table, Henry was determined to get the answers he needed at any cost.

"I should warn you that any attempt to resist will make my men kill you without hesitation. That includes you, Dragon, but, first, we shall settle the debt between us. Where is my daughter?" Henry had asked the question with a calm demeanour, but the question shocked the assembly.

All the criminal leaders looked to Zhou Yun with a mix of admiration and fear. Zhou Yun had abducted Julia Williams while ordering his people to avoid entanglements with Muse. Sergei and Dawood stared at their leader with fury at his hypocrisy. Zhou Yun took a moment to consider his answer.

"Henry, this is not the answer you're looking for, but I honestly don't know."

Henry's response was to fire a shot that grazed the Dragon's head. Blood trickled down from Zhou Yun's temple and ran down his cheek, but did little to change the man's demeanour. Henry stared at the man, waiting to hear the truth. Zhou Yun picked up his napkin and calmly wiped away the blood and sat relaxed in the chair.

"You missed, Henry, and if you intend to kill me, you should get it over with. We both know that if you do that, you may never find Julia. I may not know where your daughter is, exactly, but that doesn't mean I can't get you to her."

Henry's finger itched to pull the trigger again. Thoughts churned in the father's mind as he tried to determine the game the Dragon was playing. It could just be a trick to save the man's life, but there was something behind the steel-cold gaze. Lowering the pistol for the moment, Henry prepared to listen to the man.

"I'm going to give you one minute to explain. After that, if I don't like your answer, I'll put a bullet in your head."

Zhou Yun almost smiled at the threat, but he didn't want to provoke Henry's wrath.

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