Chapter 40: Soul's Purpose

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Music echoed inside the large mosque. The taps of the keys on a piano set chords reverberating through the interior of the grand building. Candles wavered in the cool night breeze blowing through cracked and broken stained glass windows. Broken images of the Islamic faith were littered across the floor in sharp, shattered fragments of multi-coloured glass. The rapid striking of music notes resonated in the shards of glass, filling the mosque with the eerie cadence of Mozart's Requiem in D Minor.

Walking through the mosque, Henry and Achilles noticed the building was empty except for the solitary figure. Amidst the flickering candles, a sole figure played the piano. Emotion poured from the keys, resonating in each musical note. Henry noted the oddness of a western piece of music being played in an Islamic mosque. Each note spoke of the musician's hopes, fears, and sorrows. When the final note struck, it resonated for a second and fell into the oblivion of silence.

"Greetings, Mr. Williams. It is so good to finally meet you. I apologize for the treatment, but I'm sure you're aware my enemies are everywhere." Turning from the piano, the figure withdrew the hood covering his face. Moonlight filtered through the windows and illuminated the feminine features of Muhammad Saladin. Henry was shocked to discover the great revolutionary leader was a woman.

"You're not exactly what I was expecting to find."

Standing up from the piano, Muhammad walked towards the two men and greeted them by shaking their hands.

"I can imagine not. Women don't hold a high place in Islamic society, but we each attempt to fulfill Allah's will. Struggle makes the task nobler, does it not?"

Hundreds of revolutionaries had gathered outside the mosque in support of this woman. That was not lost on a man like Henry.

"I meant no offense by my actions. Forgive me, Muhammad, but with all the stories flying around about you and your deeds, I was expecting someone different."

Saladin smiled as if she had just been complimented.

"I understand completely. You, out of all people, should know that you can't always rely on stories to judge a person. Many of the legends surrounding me are propaganda designed to weaken my support and turn allies against the cause. I am sure you understand that better than most, Mr. Williams." Saladin motioned for her guests to come and sit down on one of the pews in the mosque.

"You just ordered your people to charge machine gun positions, and you got half of them killed. These people will kill in your name. You do realize you're leading an army of religious fanatics outside?" Achilles' comment was designed to provoke a response and test the situation.

His words seemed to fall flat. Saladin motioned for both men to sit down with her.

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. My people are willing to die for what they believe in. Mr. Kincaide, if Mr. Williams ordered you to use that knife hidden in your boot, would you disobey?"

Achilles didn't like where this argument was going.

"Of course I would, but you're wrong on the reason why I'd do it. I wouldn't just kill you because I was ordered to do so." His levity left Muhammad Saladin's face filled with the seriousness of the topic.

"You would kill me because you believe in what you're doing. I can see it in your eyes, Achilles. You believe killing me would be justice, but I warn you that justice and vengeance are not the same thing. My people fight for their survival, to protect family members, and to resist tyranny and the oppressive regime of IRME. Only Allah will judge us, just as he will judge both of you when your day comes." Saladin's words echoed with the fervour of her conviction.

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