Chapter 11: Bold Dreams

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Sitting behind the News desk Jon Stewart prepared to introduce his guest to the audience. It was a rare honour for Henry Williams to go on live TV, and since the massacre at the Plaza the man remained reserved towards the media. For the first televised interview since the tragedy Director Wynne of marketing suggested going on the Daily show. Henry agreed with some reluctance, but admitted Jon was one of the best journalist's alive. Despite being a comedy show the Daily News with Jon Stewart was the closest to unbiased news reporting. Owl news may called their programing fair and balanced, but the truth was only the fake news shows possessed any integrity left capable of offering fair and balanced. Journalism was killed in the search for ever increasing profits and the information age.

"I want you all to welcome to the stage tonight Henry Williams!" In response to Jon's introduction the crowd went wild. New York was a liberal bastion and many accused the Daily show of a liberal bias, but the truth remained that in times of tragedy Jon tried his best to bring the people together. After the terror attacks of 9/11 Jon Stewart talked about the privilege of being able to sit back and make wisecracks while never forgetting it is a luxury provided by freedom of speech. Jon managed to crack jokes while discussing the series idea of freedom, and Henry admired the man's integrity. Few men earned such respect.

Walking onto the stage Henry was not wearing his usual professional suit. Instead the richest man in the world wore a plain t-shirt and jeans. Written across the shirt was the words the truth matters, speak it. The crowd applauded with furious intensity while Henry walked across the stage to take his seat. Looking across the table the two men shared empathetic looks and a moment of silence.

"I just want to thank you for coming on the show. We caught your memorial service earlier this week, and I got to say the world needs more men with your message." Jon's word sparked another round of applause from the audience. Henry looked out at the crowd than back to Jon.

"Let's begin with the truth shall we?"

"That is a great place to begin I would think." Jon raised one eye brow in anticipation.

"A great man once said any fool can blow something up, any fool can destroy, but it takes courage to rebuild and create, and that's why we have already won." Jon seemed puzzled for a moment. Caught in a moment of Déjà vu the host struggled to figure why the words seemed so familiar. Jon just smiled and pushed the interview forward.

"I am not sure who said that, but those are wise words. We need more people speaking like this during times of tragedy, and this city is no stranger to tough times."

"You don't remember who said that?" Henry smiled across the desk. Baiting the host with the words and luring him in. Jon shrugged showing his futile attempt to place the person who was being quoted. "You said that after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. You sat behind this desk and for a moment you spoke honestly. Not fake tears to draw in more viewers and earn a bigger slice of the market and profits. For a moment you put down your title, your status, and you looked into those cameras and you spoke direct to the hearts of the people. It's because of that message that made me one of your biggest fans. Thank you for having me on Jon."

"Watching you speak at the memorial service you spoke of the future. Media outlets have been pouring out information about increased contracts from the US government for Muse in the wake of the tragedy. With the crisis in Israel, Middle East, and Russia how do you see the future?" Henry looked at Jon for a second contemplating his answer.

Fresh reports raced across the digital realm daily showing the increased build-up of troops along the Israel borders. U.S. and British naval forces were being moved towards the theater of conflict in preparation. The whole world seemed to be dangling on the razor's edge between war and peace causing heated debate across the entire world. Now more than ever was a time for unity, but media pushed the political divide for increased profits. Only a few people seemed to be fighting back against the increasing division, and both men at the desk were on the front lines of that fight.

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