Get Your Head In The Game

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He felt like death. After the event of last night, he tried to sleep, only to wake up two hours later, when the sun hasn't risen, and even more unfortunately, his eyes refused to close. So he laid there, awake, until morning came. Since he can't fall back asleep, he got ready early, and went to school. Fatigue hit him hard.

So here he is, close to snoring on his desk in class.

"Trying out the Tim Burton look?" a familiar voice chirped, he looked up.

Sitting in front of him, was a girl with short dark hair and warm brown eyes grinning at him. It was his best friend, Seli.

"You don't want to hear me sing Tears To Shed," he sat up slowly, "I messed up my sleeping schedule" he grumbled.

"I never want to hear you sing anything in general," Seli cringed at a memory of him singing, "let me guess, were you fixing up a machine?" she eyed him curiously.

Just lie Ali, its way too early to tell what it is, he thought, "yeah, something like that" he answered while scratching his head, diverting his eyes.

Seli quirked a brow, there's one thing everyone should know about Seli, she's a pretty curious person, almost coming off as nosy.

"Mind telling me what it is, oh, Mr. Genius ?" she said, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

He panicked, he forgot how she loved to ask questions, "uh, it's a secret for now, um, maybe sometime later?" it was a half-lie, if he knew what was going on with him, he'd probably tell her, well, maybe.

Seli is a pretty aware person, especially towards her friends. So when she sense that something is off, she'd try to coax out the reason of it. Before she could open her mouth, a slightly irritated voice cut in.

"this is a rare sight, since when do you arrive at school before five minutes away from the bell, Tuan Muda Ali?" the person grinned with an eyebrow raised, surprised, her long black hair fell to her face.

Oh no, this is the last person Ali wanted to meet, the person who sent his mind reeling, the one and only, Raib.

He scoffed, "Her Majesty, always keeping a list of my flaws," play it cool Ali, he assured himself, "good morning to you too" he gave her a tight-lipped smile.

She rolled her eyes, "its like you guys don't even care about keeping things secret" she mumbled, folding her arms.

"Eavesdropping, I see" Seli mused.

"I wouldn't be if you guys weren't so loud" she nudged Seli lightly.

"Did you hear him Ra? He's planning something without telling us, what if this top secret thingy has something to do with the parallel universe?" Seli tattled to her, sneaking a glare at Ali's fake 'betrayed' expression.

Raib furrowed her eyebrows, "Ali?" She said, her tone dangerously low.

Her eyes are on him now, and by God, if he wasn't internally panicking right now he would've appreciated those galaxy eyes of hers.

He cleared his throat, "ugh, calm down you two, relax, it has nothing to do with that, it's a personal thing I'm working on" he returned his glare to Seli.

It took more than a few seconds until Raib's questioning (and pretty intimidating) gaze dropped. She decided to take a seat next to Seli.

"Well if its too personal for you to share with us, we'll stop asking," Raib stated, meanwhile Seli kept her glare, "right, Seli?" She pressed on.

She rolled her eyes and sighed in defeat, "fine". Her nose wrinkled in annoyance when Ali stuck out his tongue to make fun of her.

Seli sneaked a glance at the clock on the class wall, "we still have a lot of time before the bell rings, wanna grab a bite?".

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