Confessions Are Overrated

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He thought that it would've been more complicated than that. The realization after months and maybe more than a year of crushing, of pining, and having it reflected back at him. Surely after all of that there's bound to be some kind of awkward stage between them, right? Some charged unsaid tension or emotion, or something, anything.

That is what Ali thought would happen, but standing next to her in peaceful silence, nothing has ever felt more easy, more natural.

It all started with a graduation party invitation, and a meet up at the park in the morning before that. Both of them had agreed to meet before the time for the party, deciding on going together and the agreed spot is the little neighborhood park along the destination. For once, Seli is not informed of this meet up, making Raib feel guilty, and though it is rare for the trio to just be a duo, Ali thinks that Seli would be more than happy to be excluded from this. So it was decided, the two of them, at the park, morning.

Much to Ali's surprise the nerves he expected were barely present, just a small tickle at the back of his mind as he set foot in the park. While walking around and scanning the park for any signs of Raib, he quite literally bumps into the girl he's been searching for instead. She let out a surprised squeak and before she could fully finish her apology she looked ahead to meet his eyes and her words died on her lips, an easy smile forming to take its place instead.

"Oh hey, it's just you," she said, stepping back to readjust her jacket.

Ali can't help but let a fond look take over his face at the sight of her in all her casual glory, before he puts on a fake frown and an offended huff to go along with it, "what, you're not going to apologize for almost running me over? Rude".

Raib rolls her eyes but much to his delight, the smile doesn't leave her face and it stays there as she tilts her head to signal him that they should start walking to their main destination. They walk in tandem, their walking pattern matching with one another, no words were spoken between them but the silence was never heavy, Ali would hate to break whatever this is that they have because it's been so long since he's felt so at peace as he is now, but if there's anything Seli's rom-com series' have taught him it's that there's a confession that's long overdue.

Just one problem though, Ali doesn't know how to verbalize all of his feelings into one big confession. Sure, he knows that he likes her, a lot actually, he knows that a smile or laugh from her would knock the air out of his lungs and put him in a good mood for the rest of the day. He knows of the strength she possesses that he so admires, the impact of her touch, the steadiness in her when she assumes a leading position that makes him want to follow her to the edges of the universe. He knows about the kindness that shines out from her, the things she's willing to give and the people she's so ready to protect. He knows her and he likes all the parts of her that make her Raib and it's not easy to just convey all that in a simple 'I like you'

Because it wouldn't be enough.

"I can practically hear you thinking Ali so I'll bite, what's got your brain steaming this time?" Raib breaks the silence for him, her gaze steady and questioning to the boy beside her.

He lets out the breath he didn't realize he's been holding and raises a hand to mess up his already messy hair, "it's just that, isn't there supposed to be some kind of confession after all of this? I know that's what I should do and I should have been prepared for this but it just doesn't, it doesn't feel-"

"Doesn't feel right?"

Ali huffs, rubbing his thumb and finger over his eyes, "something like that".

Raib humms thoughtfully, "y'know, you don't have to".

He's still not looking at her, his eyes still closed as he smooths out his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

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