Unless You Mean It

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"Whats your history?
Do you have a tendency to lead some people on?"
- Ed Sheeran


Have a crush on your friend they say, it'll be fun they say.

Ali has read about romance and crushes before, and he's always thought nothing of it. Now he's in a desperate need of help. It was all fun and games until he realizes that Raib was painfully oblivious.

Yet, some things she said got him hopeful, and let him tell you, it's rather painful. From how Seli describes it, romance is fluffy and pretty, like watching the sunset together while holding hands. The reality for Ali is not as rose colored as that.

He'd tease and she'll blush, but her feelings are still a mystery.


It was a hot day, everyone was sweating, and everyone was loud.

He loved the cafeteria because, well, food, but the bustle of loud teens on a hot day isn't exactly his cup of tea. So most of his time he's just munching on his food all grumpy and annoyed. In front of him, two girls sat, chatting along, contributing to the noise in the cafeteria. One was fussing over food, the other, looked at her with a fond look at her face, one that if it was directed to him, it'll surely send him over the moon.

"Cheat day is my favorite day" Seli exclaimed with glee in her voice, looking down with a gleam in her eyes at her food.

Raib shook her head, "my opinion still stands Sel, you don't need a diet y'know, especially slimming diets" she smiled at her friend warmly.

"I know what you're doing Ra, and your sweet words won't work on me, my decisions are set" she huffed, puffing out her chest proudly, her long-haired friend laughed and patted her shoulder.

"Well, if I can't stop you, then so be it" she shrugged and focused on her own bowl to finish.

He didn't want to join in the conversation, it was already too much noise as it is. In only a few minutes, Seli finished her meal.

"Damn Seli, you're not gonna' hold back on cheat days are ya?" Ali chuckled, looking at his friend with a rather terrified look.

Seli looked him dead in the eye, "I'm getting more" and rose up from her seat.

Raib sighed and shook her head once more, "you do know that your eating pattern is rather unhealthy right?"

Seli gave her friend a tight-lipped smile and walked away to a stand with a long line. Leaving the two alone.

Oh boy.

"She doesn't need a slimming diet, look at her! Do you think she needs to get any thinner? Listen, it's her choice but can't she choose a diet that isn't so, extreme?" Raib ranted, stabbing the meatball with her fork.

He munched on his food, "I agree with 'cha, imagine restricting on food, ugh, I can't imagine" he showed her his fake shudder, which earned him an unamused glare.

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