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Ali is thinking, he's always thinking. His thoughts are rational and have order and it should be, he wouldn't be the brains and brawn if his brain didn't function properly.

Ali is thinking but there is no order in that big head of his right now. Frustration and emotions made everything inside all messed up and disorganized, he might be dishelved on the outside but he prefers his mind to have some semblance of order and right now he feels like his head is a wreckage left by a tropical storm.

He's gotten used to the fact that his parents were never home and if they were they don't really give him much time to talk, it was the usual and it shouldn't bother him by now. But it does bother him, because he's got so many questions to ask them after everything that's happened and they don't even have the time to utter more than five sentences in a call. He should be understanding, he knows this, but he's curious and he deserves an explanation. What kind of secrets does one family keep that your kid finds out about some royal bloodline from an ancient tyrant? He's having a crisis and his parents didn't even bother to leave a voice message. So yeah, that pissed him off a little.

The wisest thing to do at that moment for him was getting out of there to clear his head, so he silenced ILY and took himself out for a ride. He didn't really think about where he was going, his head was full and his body was just moving on autopilot so where he ends up in is a mystery. All he can do at the moment is try to silence his own raging thoughts and emotions, his knuckles white from gripping the steer too tight.

He shouldn't be so surprised that he ended up here of all places. ILY hovered next to a window a few meters off the ground, the light dim and faint but not completely off, Ali just stared dumbly at it, arguing with himself if he should actually knock on it or not. Ali doesn't think much while he waits and contemplates in front of his crush's window, invisible to the world thanks to the ships cloaking, but waiting here and wondering if he should take the chance he feels more solid than ever.

So he gives a few knocks not really expecting an answer, his mind is still racing.

A few minutes passed and Ali was just ready to turn and head back because he's obviously not thinking straight when he heard a 'click' and the sound of the window opening.

"Wha- Ali? What the hell are you doing here? It's late" Raib's pretty little head pops out of the window squinting at him, she looks around to make sure the streets are empty enough so she doesn't look like a complete lunatic.

He freezes for a second, unsure where to proceed with this, he didn't think he'd get this far, but he assures himself that it's just Raib.

(Yeah right, when has she ever been 'just Raib').

Ali swallows down words he would probably regret if he ever dares to utter them, "sorry, did I wake you?"

She huffed and leaned forward, facing him properly, "not really, you didn't answer my question though, what are you doing here?"

Now what should he say to say to that? Oh, I was just having a tantrum and drove to your house because I have your address memorized by heart and I can rely on muscle memory alone to get myself here, s'not big deal or anything, yeah right. This was stupid, he should've sulked in his basement alone like usual instead.

Raib drew her eyebrows together as she senses something in him that's off, "what's the matter, something wrong?"

Ali looked up to meet her eyes, a fierce inky black void stares back at him and he could've shivered just by the sheer intensity of them. When Raib has that look in her eyes it's useless to lie to her, she sees right through you. She sees right through Ali, at least.

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