A Secret From The Universe

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There is a secret that has been whispered to the universe, a secret from the stars, they said.

You have heard about the moon, and you have heard about the stars, and the night sky where they reside.

You know of the moon and her beauty, the light that she reflects illuminating the darkness, her shine that is familiar and comforting to see when you look up to admire the inky black sky. In many tales she is a princess, in others she is a hunter but it is unmistakable that she is both ethereal and powerful.

You know of the stars and his brightness, still bright as ever even when they're millions of light years away, shining their light from the future that awaits. Some tell tales about a goddesses bear, honored by her, or about an unstoppable hero, he has honor and strength to his name.

You have heard of the praise people have sung of the beauty in what they have made together, how a starless night makes the moon seem very lonely and how a sky full of stars with no moon is just unnatural.

But what the stars have to say, not a lot have heard, or even know. Even the moon is kept in the dark of it. 

When the moon thinks that her shine seems dull and dim, the stars still think that it's luminous, silver streams that brighten up the night when it gets too dark. But he will instead laugh and tell her how bright his shine is rather than talk the romantic nonsense that is the way he feels .

When the moon thinks that her powers are of no use, the stars think of the sailors and fishermen's thanks as she pulls their tides, flowers that only bloom by her light and the beauty of it. But he will instead grin and talk about the strength of a supernova rather than let his heart betray his mind and leave him open. 

For what can the stars do when they seem so close yet they are so far in reality? What can he do to cross that distance to her?

The moon thinks the stars care too little, the stars thinks the moon doesn't feel the same. They dance around each other in their doubt, the sun shakes her head knowing the truth.

Now you know of the stars and what he feels of the moon. And maybe one day the stars will talk, and maybe one day the moon will understand. But for now, what can we do but admire the night sky?


I came back after 100 years with a crappy poem/cerpen (??) that is cliche and repetitive that makes zero sense.

I am so sorry.

First, I would like to apologize for being gone for so long and not updating and not responding to the comments (and I would like to thank all of you who left such kind comments, read, and upvoted this wack ass ficlet, I treasure each and every one of you)

Second, I would like to sincerely apologize because I will end this book after maybe like, two more chapters, I dont have anymore inspo for this book and I sorta fell out of the bumi series and it wont be fair if I just let this book die out before saying anything, but thank you all for the support you gave me

Thank you for reading my garbage and I really am sorry

-leave me some criticism too if y'all want

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