Perfect Imperfections

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  He wonders how he got here in the first place.

  Laying on the floor, books and papers strewn around, talking about nothing. Oh, and with his crush. Ali did not see this as his usual Saturday evening but he'll take it. It's better than being alone with nothing but the humming of machines.

  It started with an idea for a study session. It was supposed to be three of them, but Seli canceled last minute saying that she has family business to attend to. It was too late for Raib to back out and Ali can't because it's set at his house, in his basement. In the end, the two of them couldn't get any work done and decided that staring at the ceiling is a way to deal with it.

  So here we are now.

  They're talking but it's mostly unimportant rambles, conversations without meanings and ends. Ali would argue that he should use his time to do sometime useful, finish his research, build something, be a bit productive. But he finds himself not wanting to trade this moment for anything. Yeah, they were fine.

  "So you said that Aldebaran is the bulls eye?" Raib
asked, her voice so quite that its a whisper.

  "Yeah in the Taurus constellation, 'the bulls fiery red eye', it has something to do with a hunter I think, in mythology" Ali explained, eyes trailing every small bump on the white painted ceiling.

  She glances at him for a second before returning to the ceiling, as if there's something interesting to find, "is it Greek?"

  "I think so yeah" he mumbles, he was kneading his stress ball slowly.

  "Do you think the other clans believe in mythology, or do they have some mythos and cultures of their own?" She sounds distant, as if she's thinking about something.

  Ali shrugged, "I doubt it, they're an advance culture, they rely heavily on logics and technology, I don't think they have time for magical hijinks".

  He sees Raib knit her eyebrows from the corner of his eye and he hears her mumbling, "but they have magical powers".

  Ali scoffed, has she forgotten about all the explanations he'd given them? They're not magic, they're not witches or warlocks. There is always a logical and scientific explanation for everything they've encountered out there (but is there a scientific explanation for his feelings, hm?).

  "Do they know everything though? Surely there are some things unknown to them" he hears her talk, he's not sure if that question was directed to him, or herself.

  Now his eyes are scanning the room, he was getting a bit bored, "I think they've explored every nook and cranny of the earth, hell, maybe even the galaxy".

  Ali's eyes finally rested on the girl next to him, she looks, puzzled, unsure, as if she's looking at a corn maze or a difficult riddle. Though, she was staring into space. It was kind of a good thing because she's not really aware that he's staring at her as if she's a shooting star (he argued that they have to stop using that term, they're meteors, Seli called him boring).

  "Do you think, when they searched for the answer to everything," there was a pause, he heard her gulp, "do you think they were ever scared?".

  He was a bit taken aback by the question, he never thought about it actually, while he was searching for the right answer, her eyes meet his.

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