Heat Rushes, Fingers Touch

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It was a boring day. No supernatural coincidences, no fights, nothing. It was still recess and the three of them already ate, and decided to hang back in class. Not a lot of students were there, and if they were, they were busy with their own business, like finishing notes and talking with their own friend groups.

Seli and Raib were doing their own thing as well, completely ignoring the painfully bored Ali. He decided to glance around the classroom, but nothing was much interesting to him, except one thing. For some reason, Raib's hands piqued his interest.

He won't lie and claim that he's never thought of them before. How they'd look enveloped in his own, on his cheek, those tan, rather petite hands, touching him, and her face smiling at him, the kind of warm smile you give to not just anyone. Just her hand, in or on his hand, that would be enough.

And curse Ali's smart yet impulsive brain, he opened his mouth.

"Hey Raib, for someone that holds unimaginable powers in their palms, your hands are pretty small" he said, as casually as possible.

She looked up, and looked down at her hands, studying them, "no they're not, I think they're pretty normal" she argued.

"Are you kidding? They're almost dwarf like, and to think that those baby hands can deliver a super punch unlike any other" he chuckled, jokingly of course.

But Raib won't back down, "my hands are perfectly normal, maybe you're the one with the abnormal hands" she scoffed.

He displays an offended expression, "how dare you, my hands are perfect! Elegant, graceful" he retorted dramatically.

"If you don't believe me, here, we can compare!" Ali held out his hand in front of her face.

And curse Raib's beautiful, yet impulsive brain, she put her hand on his.


"See? Your hand is the weird one!" She pressed on.

"Nuh-uh, all male hands look like mine!" He argued back, trying to conceal the loud hammering under his chest.

"What, alien-y long, crinkly, fingers? Not to mention, why is it so sweaty-"

A sweet voice cut the harshness of her tone, "you'll be in my heart, yes you'll be in my heart, from this day on, now and forever more~" it sang.

The two turn their heads towards the voice, it was Seli, leaning on the table with a huge grin and eyes sparkling.

"This, is my personal Tarzan and Jane moment" she whispered.

Realizing the situation, they instinctively recoil from each other. Blushing and frustrated.

"Seli!" Ali hissed through his gritted teeth.

Raib already launched a piece of balled up paper that hit her face.

"Hey, I'm not the one who decided to have an argument about hands all of a sudden and decided to be all wovey-dovey  with each other!" She defended herself.

Ali gasped, "how DARE you use the uwu talk against me!"

They laughed it off, but he couldn't help himself to look at the spot her hand was on.

Damn, I got it bad.


"Damn, you got it bad" Seli mumbled, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, giving her friend a look of pity.

"Shut up, Seli" Ali grumbled, throwing his stress ball towards her direction, she catches it.

Seli is not a fool. She knows her friends and cares for them better than anyone. Seli is also, not blind. She can see Ali's crush for her best friend from a mile away, and she can admit it's cute but she can also see how confused Ali is. So like the angel she is, she has decided to help her friend.

"So what are you gonna do about it? It's not like you're gonna pine for her until you die and not say anything" Seli squeezed the ball gently.

Ali looked up from the floor, "is that a challenge?"

She snorted, "God, no, Ali I'm serious" she threw the stress ball at him, he catches it, "you look like a sad sack of potatoes right now".

"Yeah, I feel like a sad sack of potatoes right now" he huffed, whilst squeezing the life out of the poor ball.

"Why not talk to her? Flirt a bit, drop hints or whatever, she'll catch on, and you know I'll always help you out" she rambled, flapping her hand about.

Ali closed his eye's and furrowed his eyebrows, "I've tried and failed Sel, like, countless of times".

Seli made a face, a frustrated face, yes, she loves her friends, but at what cost?

"-and if I eventually tell her, things would blow out of proportions, she'll yell at me, she'll hate me, what if she hates me that much? What if she calls on all of nature to finish me off-" Ali blurted.

"She doesn't hate you, you dork" she sat down next to him, "and you're overreacting a bit too much" she lifts the ball from afar and smashed the ball to his face, earning her a loud 'ouch', "you're acting as if she's a beast, and why are you so sure that she doesn't like you back? It's unlike you to be this pessimistic, bud".

Ali sighed, covering his eyes with his arm, " I know that, it's not like it's the end of the world that she doesn't like me back, but," he grimaced, "what if something happens between us? Something bad. I know I act all confident when I catch her staring but, I," he groaned, "I don't know anymore".

"You don't know what?" Seli tilted her head.

"I, for once, don't know" Ali opened his eyes, "I can't put it into words but I have mixed feelings," he tugged on his messy hair, "I'm happy, mad, sad, overjoyed, and hopeful yet doubtful".

"Yikes, you pine hard" Seli whispered.

He gave a bitter chuckle, "tell me about it".

"Listen man, I don't know if I can help with your jumbled up mess of feelings, but I will help you, and that's that" she smiled at him.

He gave her a small smile, "thanks, Sel".

"No prob, Bob".

The smile danced across his face for a little while.

"Tell me Seli," he muttered, his voice low "am I crushing or is this a heart burn?"

Seli chuckled, "By the looks of it, I think you're dying".

"Same difference" Ali snorted.


I rise

Consistency? Who is she? Don't know her (akdjdjdj I'm sorry-)

Also, 100+ reads?? Tysm!! This is my first fic so this means a lot to me!

Thanks for supporting whatever this is!!! AND SORRY FOR LATE UPDATES, SHITTY PLOT/WRITING ETC.

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