*Hazel's pov*
I was about to take a bite of my life-sized strawberry cake when all of a sudden... a hard tapping rumbled around the candy land.
"Hazel! Wake up! Hazellll!" I was awaken by my annoying little brother, Finn.
"What do you want?" I groaned. I sat up in the seat of the car. We were technically driving for sixteen hours, but we did make stops.
"We're here." He gestured to everyone else outside already taking boxes out of the trunk.
I once again groaned. I climbed out of the car after him and begin to help grab boxes.
You see, we moved out of our old house in Wisconsin to this new house here in Colorado. The main reason we were moving was to get away from my dad and his horrible witch of a wife. Her name's Alisha Beckett. Did I mention he's forty-five and she's twenty-four? That's a twenty one year difference!
Once we got all the boxes inside, an important question was asked by my mom. "So...Who wants which room?"
My brothers and I all looked at each other for a second. We were about to telepathically choose rooms when I sprinted up the stairs and jumped inside the best one.
My brothers all came in a second after and whined.
"Seriously Hazel?"
"You suck."
"The other room was better anyways."
"Gosh darn it."
"Aw fuck!"
"Language!"I shouted.
"Language!" Cameron mimicked while making a face.
They all walked out to go chose different rooms.
I sighed in relief and grabbed all of my boxes from downstairs. I put them all in my new room and began unpacking.
This was pretty cool. It was my first time moving, ever! I also never lived in a two story house before. I know what you're thinking: But Hazel, you have six brothers and you had your mom and dad! How could you possibly live in a one story house?' Simple. A one story house with four bedrooms and being forced to share them.
In this house, everyone besides Finn, Jason, Cameron, and Leo got their own rooms. Finn and Jason decided to sacrifice their own room so that they could both use their gaming consoles. Cameron offered to share a room with Leo since Leo was scared to sleep alone anyways, though Leo wasn't as on board with it. That left Alan, Daniel, my mom, and me with our own rooms.
I had already unpacked some of my things when my little brother, Leo came in.
"Hazel! I really want this room! Can I pleaseeeeee have it?" He put both of his hands together in a begging manner. Every "r" came out more as a "w" whenever he spoke.
Ha! The little six year old sucker thought he stood a chance against this girl! "No. I already chose it. Besides, I already started unpacking."
He grunted and began to argue with me.
"That's not fair!"
"Oh yes it is!"
"I chose it first!"
"But I want it!"
But I don't care!"
"I'm telling mom!"
"Go ahea-"
I was cut off short when something hit my window. Was someone trying to get in? Oh no! I'm dying today! I though in a panic.
Leo and I slowly looked at each other and I put my finger to my lips to tell him to stay quiet. Another bang came. And another.
I ushered him out of my room. "Save yourself Leo!"
"Wait but it's just-" I closed the door in his face.
Turning slowly, I crept towards my bedroom window. When I got there, I ripped the curtains open. There was an open window perfectly aligned across from mine. What I saw through it was a really hot guy throwing pebbles at the glass in front of me.
Another pebble hit.
I opened my window and peered out. "Hey, what are you doing?!" I yelled to the Greek god looking boy.
"Your arguing was really annoying me. Can you shut up?" He said in a bored tone as he threw another pebble.
I dodged it. "Excuse me? Well...Your face annoys me!" Wow. Best comeback award goes to.....NOT ME!
He smirked. "That's the best you got? Wow. Anyways, shut up." He threw another pebble. This time it hit me in the chest.
"Can you not throw pebbles at me?" You know that moment when a really hot guy throws pebbles at you from his window? Yeah, me neither. This was a first.
"Would you rather I do something else to you?" He said suggestively while smirking.
I opened my mouth in shock and let my jaw hang. I was speechless! Who says that to someone?! I looked him over to see who I was dealing with. He had messy brown hair and beautiful, captivating, blue eyes. His lips were so full and his eyebrows were perfectly symmetrical. He was wearing a white t-shirt and light ripped jeans.
"Checking me out, Princess?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow, bringing me back to reality.
"What? Pfttt no! I was...observing." I stated really awkwardly.
"So checking out. Got it." He threw another pebble and it hit my nose. This force knocked my glasses off of my face and they fell into the tree next to my window.
"AHHH! MY GLASSES!" I became frantic and started screaming,"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Glasses are expensive as heck so if I can't find them, I swear.
"Relax, Princess. Just climb onto the tree and get them." The boy said in a duh tone.
"And how do I do that when your pebble practically knocked my vision off of my face and into that tree? I'll fall and break my neck!"
He groaned. "Fine. Want me to get them for you?"
"It would only be fair." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Whatever." He climbed out of his window onto the roof. He made a quick jump to the tree and I yelped quietly. What if he fell???
He climbed up a few branches into the top where all the leaves were. It looked like a giant green blob. He grabbed my glasses and jumped from the tree onto the roof of my new house. He climbed up to my window and held onto the sill for support. I couldn't see this scene very clearly considering I didn't have my glasses, but I'll admit that it was just a little hot...
"My princess, here are your glasses." He said as he bowed to me and held my glasses out like a rose.
I grabbed my glasses and put them on my face. His face was a few inches from mine and it was an oddly nice sight.
"Princess? Little cheesy there now aren't we?" I chuckled lightly.
"Only a little." He winked and made the way back to his window. Oh, so he's one of those boys. Cocky. I made a mental note not to give into his antics.
My mom yelled from downstairs. "Hazel, come down! I unpacked some of the food we bought and made dinner!"
I looked over at loverboy. "Got to go eat dinner. Bye." I stood up.
"Bye Princess. Hope I don't see you again." He said a little too cheerfully.
"Whatever." Before closing the window, I peered out once again and said,"By the way, I'm still mad at you for throwing pebbles at me." And with that, I closed my window and shut my curtains.
I headed downstairs to see that my mom made mashed potatoes and steak. Ooh, this was gonna be good! One thing that wasn't gonna be good: Tomorrow was my first day as a junior at my new school, Glenwood High.
A/N: Woohoo!!! We have the first chapter down! Hope you liked it. Keep on reading and you just might like it.😉 Please vote! Thank you lovelies!!! Byeeeeeee!!!❤❤❤
---Your author, Gen

Dear Neighbor Boy,
Teen Fiction[[✨COMPLETED✨]] • We both inched closer and closer until our lips were brushing against each other like some sort of tease. But before we could go any further, I stopped and leaned back. He looked confused and disappointed for some reason. "I can't...