*Asher's pov*
What. The. Fuck. I couldn't even think of any words! Okay, let me roll back a bit.
After Hazel and I uh, held hands in that meadow, I realized how late it was and suggested we get back home. I drove us to our houses as we played music in the car like always.
But, I also realized something that night a few days ago. We held hands. That didn't sound like a big deal and it probably shouldn't have been, especially not to me. But it did for some crazy, unknown reason.
Maybe she had like, a condition where touching her made you tingle and feel all fuzzy inside. Or maybe I did! Nah, that probably wasn't it.
I just found it so weird that I could literally hook up with girls and not feel anything, but when I held hands with Hazel, I all of a sudden couldn't think straight.
Maybe I- nope. That wasn't it either. I could never like her like that. She was a nice girl, but that was all. It was probably just in the moment.
All these thoughts rolled around in my head as I copied down the math notes and payed absolutely no attention to Ms. Schrödinger.
"Mr. Grey, I'm sure whatever it is can be daydreamed about after class." She tapped on my shoulder with her ruler.
I went back to reality and mumbled,"Uh, yeah. Sorry, Ms. Schrödinger."
As she was about to continue speaking about the lesson, the bell rang signaling for lunch. She cursed and dropped into her desk chair.
As I entered the cafeteria, I walked over to the lunch table we'd been sitting at for the past like, two months.
I sat next to Liam and Honey. I was subconsciously avoiding Hazel. I needed to push away whatever that weird feeling was.
Hazel was sitting next to Anikah, but got up when she saw me sit down. Shit. I looked down at my lap when she sat down next to me.
She was about to say something until Violet came rushing to the table and saved me.
"Guys, you need to come see this!" She sounded panicked and frantic as she stormed off. The rest of us curiously followed.
Once we got to the lockers, we saw why Violet was so panicked. On what I guessed was Ivy's locker, stuck up a giant poster that said: I'm Ivy Jones and I like to wear slutty clothes and sleep with people's boyfriends! Right under the sentence was a picture of Ivy in a short miniskirt and crop top that some people might consider revealing. Either way, why was that anyone's business??
I looked over to see Ivy staring at the poster, obviously trying not to cry, before running off to the girls bathroom. We may not have known each other that well, but the guys and I were all starting to become friends with the girls which meant nobody messed with them.
I looked around and saw a crowd start to form and look at the poster. Eli and I ripped off the poster and threw it in a nearby trash can.
"Everyone, fuck off and mind your own goddamn business!" Eli yelled at the crowd as he ran after Ivy. I was going to follow until I realized he entered the girls' bathroom.
Oh? Eli didn't seem the least bit hesitant to follow after. The rest of the boys and I waited outside the bathroom with the girls.
*Eli's pov*
I ran into the bathroom after Ivy, not caring who was looking or that this was the girls' bathroom. Okay, so maybe I was a little worried that I'd accidentally see something I wasn't supposed to. But regardless, I went in.

Dear Neighbor Boy,
Teen Fiction[[✨COMPLETED✨]] • We both inched closer and closer until our lips were brushing against each other like some sort of tease. But before we could go any further, I stopped and leaned back. He looked confused and disappointed for some reason. "I can't...