*Hazel's Pov*
I felt an arm pull me towards the rest of its body. I snuggled into a chest and hummed. Then my eyes widened when I realized I was snuggling into a chest. And not just any chest, a muscular chest.
I screamed at the top of my lungs at the intruder in my bed. I started thrashing around with blankets and pillows as I attacked the trespasser. I got on top of them and flailed around wildly until two big hands took hold of my wrists and stopped me. I looked down to find Asher under me.
My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Asher? What are you doing in my bed in my house?!"
He was breathing heavily from my outburst. "First of all, don't scare me like that! Second of all, this is my bed in my house."
I looked around and realized that I was, in fact in Asher's house. "Oh." Suddenly I felt extremely tired and worn out. I didn't recognize the horrible feeling. My body dropped on top of Asher, my head landing on his chest.
He made an oomph noise as I fell onto him. "Hazel! What just happened?"
I groaned exaggeratedly and buried my face in the crook of his neck. "I feel horrible! What happened last night?? Why do I feel so bad?!"
"Ever heard of a hangover?" He asked, his chest vibrating against my ear as he spoke.
My dad had them all the time. "Familiar with them but never had one. Why?"
"You're having one." He said bluntly. I lifted my head to look at him while squinting my eyes. I groaned and realized I hadn't even put my glasses on.
"Where are my glasses?" I asked, flopping back down on Asher's chest.
He grabbed my shoulders and gently placed me next to him on the bed. I rolled onto my back and looked at Asher's blurry figure in confusion. He stood up and grabbed something from the nightstand by his bed.
He crawled back onto the bed and hovered over me. My breath hitched and my cheeks heated up. That was until I realized he was only helping me with my glasses.
He adjusted them over my face and my vision suddenly became clear. I was looking up at a cheeky Asher. "Why are you blushing, Princess? Is it because you can't get enough of my unbelievable looks?"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "The only unbelievable thing about you is how much of an idiot you're capable of being."
He gasped dramatically. "Princess! How could you say that?! You really hurt me!!" He put his hand against his chest and pretended to look hurt.
I grabbed the pillow beside me and whacked him with it. "I was joking, you idiot muffin." I chuckled.
"I know, you nerdy princess." He grabbed his pillow and whacked me back.
Then we had a full on war of pillow fights. Feathers were flying everywhere and getting all over us.
"I thought feathers in pillows was only a movie thing!" I yelled over our pillow fight.
"Me too! I didn't even know these had feathers!" He shouted back before smacking me right in the stomach.
I smacked him back, making him fall on the bed and I got on top of him, straddling his lap. I hit him over and over wherever I could while on top of him to end this war and win.
Then, he grabbed my wrists, flipped us over so he was on top of me, and snatched my pillow out of my hands. He set it right next to us. We looked into each other's eyes and all I could see in his was the ocean. It was really cliche, but I meant it. I saw the waves thrashing about in his eyes and the sun shining down on the tides in golden flecks. I could imagine drowning in that ocean. I wouldn't mind drowning in that ocean. I thought.
*Asher's Pov*
All I could see in her eyes was honey. I saw the smooth glide of it as if it were being spread. The sun shined down on her golden brown irises and I could imagine melting away in all that honey. I wouldn't mind melting in that honey. I thought.
"It's not nice to stare, Sweetheart." Hazel said, teasingly. She was mimicking what I had said to her the night before.
This made me lose my mind. She made me crazy. I needed to kiss her. This was my chance. I leaned down, inching closer to her lips.
Then all of a sudden....
"Hazel?!?!" A voice called from the door of my bedroom.
My eyes widened along with Hazel's when we turned our heads to see who was at the door....
A/N: Helloooooo!!! This is a really short chapter, but I fed y'all with fluff sooooo..... Also, don't you just love waking up next to your soulmate?? I mean I wouldn't know but I can just imagine. They had such a cute pillow fight, too. Whoever was at the door is such a cockblocker!! Anyways, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 10K I CAN'T BELIEVE IT OMG!! I NEVER THOUGHT I'D GET THIS MANY READS!! I DIDN'T THINK ANYBODY WOULD READ THIS! WHEN I FIRST STARTED WRITING THIS, I DIDN'T EVEN THINK 1 PERSON WOULD READ IT! BUT YOU'RE ALL READING IT AND I'M GLAD YOU'RE ENJOYING IT SO FAR! THANK YOU FOR COMING ON THIS JOURNEY WITH ME AND STICKING AROUND!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Follow me if you want!! I hope you liked this chapter! Please keep reading and vote! Bye my lovelies!!!❤❤❤
---Your author, Gen

Dear Neighbor Boy,
Teen Fiction[[✨COMPLETED✨]] • We both inched closer and closer until our lips were brushing against each other like some sort of tease. But before we could go any further, I stopped and leaned back. He looked confused and disappointed for some reason. "I can't...