*Hazel's pov*
"I don't know... I have homework." I said.
"Come on! Just come with us!" Anikah yanked at my arm and whined.
School had just ended and my friends wanted me to go eat at a diner with them. It was called Sunset Sally's Diner. It sounded pretty sweet and I would've liked to go, but like I said, I had homework.
"Pleaseeee!!!" The girls all repeated as they tugged on me.
"Fine!" I gave in. At least this way I wouldn't have to walk home.
They all cheered as they ushered me into Ivy's red jeep.
Once we got there, I got out of the car and took a look at the place. It had all pastel colors like a sunset and reminded me of a 50's diner.
We all walked in and sat in a booth in the corner. As we waited, I took out my AP chemistry homework and started working on electrochemistry. The girls all groaned at me for doing my homework in the diner.
"I said I had homework." I mumbled as I worked.
"Fine, but only until the waiter comes and takes our orders." Violet said. I nodded and took a quick look through the menu. I decided on something.
I continued working in my textbook when someone approached and began to speak. "Hello, young ladies. What would you like to drink?" He said it in an arrogant way.
Wait. I recognized that voice. I thought. I looked up and surely, there he was. Asher freaking Grey. His uniform consisted of a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black suspenders, a black bow-tie, black converse, and black jeans.
I practically jumped over Honey to get to Asher. "What are you doing here?" I asked
"I work here, Princess." He flashed me a smile and tapped on his notepad with his pencil.
"Yeah... I got that much. Why didn't you tell me you worked at a diner?" I scrunched my eyebrows together.
He shrugged. "You never asked."
"Well, yeah. I mean, I just thought that-"
"Look this is cute and all," Violet interrupted,"but we want to order."
I blushed and climbed over Honey back to my seat.
"What do you want to drink?"
Honey ordered lemonade, Ivy ordered cherry coke, Violet ordered a sprite, Julia ordered Dr.Pepper, Anikah ordered a Shirley temple, and I ordered a strawberry milkshake.
When he was finished writing down our drink orders, Asher asked,"Ready to order or should I come back?"
We all looked at each other and nodded. "We're ready."
We all ordered our food and Asher went off to tell the cook our orders.
"So, Ambrielle. You seem to have a bit of a 'thing' with Mr. Grey. Care to share?" Ivy asked.
"Wait what? You think I have the hots for Asher's father?!" Was she crazy or something??
"Wha-? No, I meant Mr. Grey as in Asher Grey! Not his father!" She looked at me with a cocked eyebrow.
My cheeks turned a crimson red from embarrassment. "O-oh... Right. But um, no. Asher and I do not have a 'thing". We barely tolerate each other."
"Mhm." The girls all hummed as if they didn't believe me.
"Whatever." I huffed.
"Ughhhh. I. Am. Stuffed." Anikah whined.

Dear Neighbor Boy,
Jugendliteratur[[✨COMPLETED✨]] • We both inched closer and closer until our lips were brushing against each other like some sort of tease. But before we could go any further, I stopped and leaned back. He looked confused and disappointed for some reason. "I can't...