*Hazel's pov*
It had been a few days since we moved in and today, my mom wanted to meet our neighbors. We had already gone to our neighbors on our left and let me tell you.....seven kids and elderly people don't mix...at all.
My six year old brother, Leo, was running around the house using his pants as a superhero cape. My thirteen year old brother, Finn, was in a corner playing on his psp. My fifteen year old brother, Jason, was texting on his phone. My eighteen year old brother, Daniel, was pigging out in their fridge. My twenty year old brother, Alan, was on the couch rambling on about how common core needs to stop. My twenty two year old brother, Cameron, was chasing Leo around, trying to get his pants back on. My forty-three year old mom was watching this all in horror as she tried to get Alan to shut up so she could talk to the old couple. I was sitting on the stairs reading like an angel....Okay well the reading part was true.
The neighbors, Astrid and Robert Barton, tried their best to nicely kick us out.
"Well, we can still try with the other neighbors. And don't. Mess. This. Up." My mom said through gritted teeth.
We walked over to our neighbors on the right aka Greek god boy's house. We knocked and a woman, probably in her mid-forties opened it. She had wavy brown hair and electric blue eyes.
"Hi, we're your new neighbors. We wanted to come by and meet you!" My mom and the rest of us smiled at her.
"Oh, hello! Come in, come in!" She smiled brightly and gestured for us to walk inside her house. And oh my frick frack, it was so nice! It was a little bit bigger than mine. My house was made of beige bricks from the outside while hers was made of white-colored wood. It looked so nice on the inside too!
We all sat down on the couch and made sure to behave this time.
"My name's Olivia Grey." She greeted.
"My name's Vanessa Ambrielle." My mom introduced us afterwards.
Welp.....My mom and Mrs. Grey (hehe Fifty Shades am I right) had been talking for two hours straight as we sat there doing nothing but listen to their grown up gossip. How did my mom even know this stuff??? We'd only been here for a few days!
Sometime during the two hours, Mr. Grey aka Thomas Grey, came in and started talking, too. He seemed pretty nice.
Just as my boredom was about to kill me, I was saved in a way that was worse than boredom.
Mrs. Grey turned to me. "Hazel dear, can you please go call my son from upstairs? I want him to meet you all!" She smiled at me.
"Okay, sure. What's his name, though?" I didn't have choice! What, was I supposed to say no??? I wouldn't hear the end of it from my mom afterwards!!
"Oh, his name's Asher." She told me where his room was which was at the end of the hall on the left. My room was at the end of the hall on the right. No wonder our windows aligned.
It hit me that his name was Asher Grey. That was actually such a cool name, though I didn't want to admit it. I walked upstairs and creeped to his room. Ugh, I was so awkward! How was I just supposed to call a stranger down from his room?
I stood at his door contemplating different ways I could call him down. In every one, I ended up saying or doing something stupid or awkward. So I knocked. No answer. I knocked again. When I didn't get an open door, I began rapidly knocking on it.
I was about to do it again when the door swung open. "What do you want?!" He yelled in my face with a hard glare. His eyes went a little wide as if he was expecting someone else and not me, but he kept the same face. Why was he such a jerk??

Dear Neighbor Boy,
Ficção Adolescente[[✨COMPLETED✨]] • We both inched closer and closer until our lips were brushing against each other like some sort of tease. But before we could go any further, I stopped and leaned back. He looked confused and disappointed for some reason. "I can't...