Tea Spill Time with an Elderly Woman and Sucking on Tomato Skin

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*Hazel's pov*

I walked home and finally arrived at home after a long day at school. You know what? Forget Ms. Schrödinger! Giving us all that work over Christmas break.

I stepped onto my driveway and stopped for a second when I saw Asher's car parked at the curb. Oh yeah... I was no longer getting rides from him as of today. I just felt like it'd be pretty odd considering I had a boyfriend now. Not that me getting rides from him meant anything, though!! I didn't like him. But some people might not see it that way.

I let out a sigh and continued walking to my front door. I was a bit nervous to go inside. Things weren't as tense in my house as it was yesterday, but there was still a very uneasy and uncomfortable energy. I had to use so much foundation this morning just to cover up all the bruises. They didn't comment on the sudden disappearance of my injuries, but they definitely noticed and stared. I thought I even saw Asher do a double take.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I guess nobody was home. Well at least I wouldn't have to deal with the tension after all.

I took out my good for nothing keys to unlock the door. They were good for nothing because they struggled so much and usually never opened the door. This was one of those times.

I let out a frustrated groan and trudged back to the middle of the driveway. I couldn't climb up to my window cause I decided to lock my window before leaving school. It seemed like the smart thing to do but now I regretted it.

I sat at the curb, pondering what I should do. I could just wait there until someone got home but I had the feeling that would take forever.

I started doodling on a sticky note when a voice came from behind me.

"That's a cute... reindeer?" The voice sounded like an elderly woman.

"It's actually supposed to be a pineapple." I said as I looked up and I couldn't mask my surprise.

"Mrs. Barton?" I hadn't seen her since she kicked my family out of her house for being crazy when we first moved there.

"Hello, Hazel dear." She slowly sat down next to me on the curb. "Cookie?" I noticed the basket of goodies next to her as she handed me one.

"Yeah, thanks. Uh, what brings you out here?" I chuckled nervously.

She took a bite out of a cookie. "I was cleaning the living room window when I noticed your struggle from afar. You got locked out of your house and now here you are." She hummed the tune of some old Frank Sinatra song that I couldn't remember the name of as she smiled at her cookie.

"You came to keep me company?" I couldn't hide the surprise on my face and a few crumbs puffed out of my mouth nearly making me choke.

"Yes. I believe you and I didn't have the best first impressions. See, I was part of a crazy big family in my youth and gave birth to seven crazy kiddos. They're out now, but your family gave me flashbacks." She looked off into the distance and shuddered. "Anyways, I wanted to have second first impressions. I don't want to be that cranky old neighbor that you're wishing would just bite the dust already."

I gasped and widened my eyes. "I would never-"

She laughed. "It's quite alright, dear. That's why I'm here. Would you like to come in for a cup of tea and the rest of these cookies?"

I smiled and stood up. "Sure! Thank you, tea and cookies sounds amazing right now!" I helped her up slowly and we walked up to her house.


She poured the warm tea into my cup and sat down after doing so to hers. "So, how has life been treating you, dear?" She took a long sip of tea as my body froze and I puffed a long breath out of my cheeks.

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