*Asher's pov*
I woke up, cursing and yawning. I was about to get up when I realized I couldn't. Someone was laying on me and my arms were around them.
Gee, I wondered who.
I looked down to find it was Hazel. The bun that she made last night was extremely messy and almost falling out of its form. She was quietly snoring and her cheek was squished against my chest.
I felt the heat slowly creep into my cheeks and ears. I don't think I'd ever blushed before her. It was pretty odd.
I studied her face a bit more. I never really got a chance to look at her without her glasses. Like really look at her. When we first met, I didn't care much to look and I wasn't going to just stare at her even if I wanted to. That was just weird.
I couldn't help but think that she looked beautiful no matter what she wore or did or if she was drooling all over my chest. But it broke my heart to see all the bruises on her face and neck.
I couldn't really help it. I leaned forward and kissed her on top of her head.
She stirred a bit and opened her eyes. To avoid any awkwardness, I quickly closed my eyes and started snoring.
"Asher?" Hazel said through a yawn. She leaned in closer when I didn't answer. "Asher, are you awake?"
She brought her hand to my face and traced my jawline again. I felt a chill go down my spine.
"Hmph." I felt her sit up so that she was straddling me. I had to try so hard not to let the heat rise up to my cheeks.
I could tell she was thinking because there was mostly silence for a bit and I could feel the hard pondering radiate off of her. That, plus she'd say something like: hmm, well?, I don't know, maybe, umm, er.
I felt her jump a bit when she finally came up with an idea and a little part of me might have died in that moment. I was being literal. A little part of me. Just think about it. I'll give you some time.
Ahhhh, there it is. You got it. What do you want some fucking chocolate or something, now? Ugh, I'll get you some later.
Anyways, she put her glasses on quickly and jumped off of me, excitedly. I heard her footsteps running around my room and I opened one eye to peek at her.
"Pennnn! Paperrrr! Heavens, Asher! Where do you keep your pens and paper?!" She yelled in a whisper as she searched my room.
She kept passing by my desk where there were perfectly laid out pens and sticky notes. Finally, she stopped in front of it.
"Oh." She said.
That adorable idiot.
She bent down to scribble something quickly on a sticky note. I closed my eyes again when she rushed over and put the sticky note on my forehead.
"Thank you, Asher. Maybe you're right. We'll see." She whispered quietly in my ear and lifted her head a bit higher to kiss my cheek.
I heard her run across the room and open my window. I opened one eye again to see her close my window and climb into her own bedroom.
Once I was sure she was gone, I opened both eyes and sat up. I pulled the sticky note off my forehead and read it.
I jumped out of bed after reading the note. Oh hell, when I found out what she was planning on doing...
I couldn't let her do that! That's not what I meant when I said that! I needed to ambush this encounter!
Hazel... What the fuck are you doing??
I got dressed as quickly as I could but it was hard to do that when you were still half asleep and about to die from at least twenty different things. Mostly stress but you know, there was still things like hitting yourself repeatedly on sharp corners cause, again, you were half asleep and trying to dress as fast as you could to stop a train wreck from happening.
Fuck, I was going to have so many bruises.
Once I was finally dressed, teeth brushed, and hair tussled, I rushed downstairs to find my mom and Ava eating breakfast. Dad had already left for work.
"Hey, sweetie! You want some breakfa-"
"Sorrymomcan'ttalknowigottasavehazelfromdoingsomethingstupidandmyadrenalineistoohighforfoodrightnowbuti'msurethosepancakestastegreat!" I exclaimed in one breath before kissing my mom on the cheek.
"Uhhh..." My mom stood, dumbfounded.
I ran out of the house and ran all the way to school. I should've just taken the damn car.
I had to stop this. Even if it meant losing my life.
Well I mean I probably wasn't gonna die from this but you know, only on the inside.
A/N: Heyyyyy guys! What's up? I know this chapter is really short but it's here to push the story along. Plus this was also a way to include some funny Asher pov. What do you think of his POV? Do you like it? What do you think Hazel's gonna do? According to Asher, it's the dumbest thing anyone could do, ever. Also sorry this took a bit longer to post. I had the entire chapter ready and then lost everything so I had to rewrite it all again. Sorryyyy about that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to follow for notifications and announcements! Please keep reading and vote! Thank you!! By my lovelies!!!❤❤❤
---Your author, Gen

Dear Neighbor Boy,
Teen Fiction[[✨COMPLETED✨]] • We both inched closer and closer until our lips were brushing against each other like some sort of tease. But before we could go any further, I stopped and leaned back. He looked confused and disappointed for some reason. "I can't...