Meetings (10)

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My form tutor kept me behind today to talk abou tthe rumors that are going round.

" Now I know there are lots of different rumors going round about what's going on but I need to get one thing straight first, Sapphy are you pregnant?" I looked down at the floor and started crying.

Mr shapiro got up and walked towards me. " Come here." He said, leaning in to hug me. " It's ok." It felt weird hugging a teacher but he was only trying to help so I let him. " Now is the father somene I know or not?"

" You know him." I replied. " It's Luke." Mr shapiro looked shocked.

"You do understand that what you did to get in this situation was illegal Luke is even younger than you. Sapphy you're a good kid even if you really like Luke you should never have got yourself into this position, I want to see you both for the next couple of weeks after school so I can help you through this." I nodded and went to work dreading having to see Luke in the morning.

**The next day**

After school I stood outside Mr Shapiro's office waiting for him to arrive, it was getting late and I was starting to think he wasn't coming so walked off but just as I was about to go down the stairs I walked into someone. I looked up. "Ooops sorry Mr Shapiro I was just looking for you." I muttered, he had Luke in tow and showed us to his office.

"Now." He said as we sat down. " I understand that something is going on between you two and this young lady over here," He pointed to me. " Is now in a very tricky situation." We both hung our heads.

" We're not dating, if that's what you think." Luke mumbled.

" Oh." Mr Shapiro looked confused so I started to explain.

" We were at a party and I asked Luke to dance he said no, so I gave him some punch and we danced then kept drinking we ended up in one of the bedrooms kissing and then Luke say's we ummm well you know"

" How come Luke say's you had sex but you don't know? It felt so weird to have a teacher say that to my face, it kind of grossed me out a little to be honest.

" We were both drunk." Muttered Luke. " The punch had been spiked, like Sapphire said we went up to one of the rooms and got intimate."  I can't believe he just told my form tutor that.

" I see." Said Mr shapiro. " Well we can't go back and undo what happened between you two so we need to sort things out. Sapphy do you want to be a mum?" I took a deep breath in.

" Yes."

" Luke do you want to be a dad?" Luke looked at my bump then at Mr shapiro he stayed silent for a minute then cried:

" Yes!"

OMG I thought. Luke actually wants to be a dad.

" Why did you tell me you didn't want to be a dad before?" I asked him.

" Well because I hadn't really realised how much this baby would mean to me but seeing your bump has made me realise that's my kid and i'm not going to run away from it like my dad did to me."

I had no idea Luke's dad had ran off when he was a baby.

" This is great!" I smiled and Luke hugged me.

" Well." Chuckled Mr Shapiro "This has been very succesful I don't think I will need to speak to you two again. By the looks of it you will both make great parents."

Me a pregnant teen, wait what?Where stories live. Discover now