Alcohol (18)

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I ran down the street and past the bus stop not once looking back. My life was so complicated, I was already going to become a dad to a kid who's mum I had a one night stand with when I was fifteen, I had no dad myself and now my mum was lying in a hospital bed with loads of needles stuck in her arm. Just for once why can't I have some good luck. It was getting dark now, I looked down at my watch eight o'clock. I new Sapphire was going to start panicking when I didn't come back but she probably just thought I'd gone to the toilet or something. So I carried on running, straight into a shop. I grabbed a pack of beers and went up to the desk to pay for them.

" I want these." I said dropping them on the counter.

" The man looked me up and down. No."

" What?" I shouted punching the counter.

" You're not over 21. No way." I lunged over the counter to grab him but he was too strong and threw me out threatening to call the police. I ran off and into another shop. No-one was going to sell me alcohol, I was going to have to take it myself. I walked into the newsagents and hid behind a shelf before grabbing a pack of beers and running off. I looked back. Ha. I thought the shop keeper hadn't noticed. I opened the pack and drank each can one by one sitting on a park bench.

Before getting on a bus.

I had no idea where to go so I said the only place I knew and sat down.

I was struggling to see straight but managed to unlock the door to my apartment and burst in. Sapphire was sitting on the sofa and jumped up when she saw me. She started talking but I wasn't listening and carried on walking towards the bedroom. She followed me.

" You stink of alcohol!" She screamed. " Where did you go?!" I ignored her and slammed the door but she still came in. " I said where have you been?!" She shouted getting louder. She grabbed my shoulder so I turned around and slapped her. I must have hit her quite hard because she ran out the room screaming but I don't know because then I blacked out.

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