Under the Weather (1)

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I sat staring at the wall, I'd been puking constantly for the past ten minutes and I was starting to worry, this had been going on for an entire week now.

There was one thing that I kept thinking it could possibly be but I wasn't sure so grabbed my coat and headed out the door ignoring my mum as she questioned where I was going. I couldn't tell her until I was sure.

I got to the drugstore and ran in grabbing the first box of tests I saw and took them up to the counter. The cashier gave me a nasty look but I ignored him and as soon as I'd paid ran off.

I went straight home and up to my room where I tore open the box and peed on one of the tests before leaving it for five minutes. I spent the entire time pacing up and down my room. Then as soon as the time was up I ran over to look at it.

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