Waking up (15)

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I woke up and rolled over to see Luke next to me. "Did you enjoy your birthday?" I giggled.

" Absolutely!" He smirked rolling over and kissing me on the forehead.

" Good well I hope you realise that was a one time crazy moment and it wont happen again!"

" Yeah, That's what you think!" He laughed getting up out of bed.

" I - don't feel - too good!" I  stammered getting out of bed and rushing over to the toilet.


" Yuk!" Commented Luke. " I guess your morning sickness is back."

" It's not fair, I haven't had it in ages!" I moaned.

" Oh well." Said Luke. " I've got to tell my mum I'm moving out and fetch my stuff."

"Will she mind?" I asked.

" No I don't think so, she'll understand."

" Have you told her I'm pregnant?"

" Yeah! At first she tried to kill me but she got over it." I looked down. " I'm sorry about your parents though, they were harsh." He whispered giving me a hug. I smiled.

" What are you waiting for?" I asked. " Go get your stuff!"

" Don't puke on any of OUR things or the carpet!" He shouted running out the door. Ha ha very funny I thought turning back to the toilet to be sick again. Sometime's being pregnant can be really annoying!

Me a pregnant teen, wait what?Where stories live. Discover now