Moving again (11)

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I moved into my new apartment last week and it looks great!

Luke helped with moving all my stuff in and even fetched my remaining belongings from my parents house for me! He is so great, we've officialy been dating for a week now and my baby bumps getting bigger and bigger!

We don't actually live together or anything yet as we hardly know each other but talking and hanging out with him has been great so far. He suddenly seems really keen to be a dad.

I jumped as someone knocked on my door, " Who is it?" I shouted.

" Luke!"

" Oh come on in." Luke let himself in and sat down on the sofa next to me, the apartment isn't huge but you could easily fit three people in it.  I switched off the tv and said hi. " How's the baby?" He asked putting his head on my belly.

" Fine!" I said shifting his head. " How are you?"

" Good." He replied. " I'm really loving the new place, it must be so fun living by yourself!"

" It is most of the time although I do sometimes get lonely." He leaned in to kiss me. " Hey we've only been dating a week!" I said pushing him away.

" Yeah but i've already seen you naked, by the way you're really good."

" At what?" I asked. He smirked and lifted his eyebrow.

" What do you think!" For a fifteen year old he has a pretty big sex drive! " I'll explain what actually happened if you like!" He smiled.

" No thanks!" I said to him getting up. He laughed and I went to make us both a cup of coffee. " Hey it's my birthday on saturday." I giggled handing him his cup of coffee. " I'm going to be older than you!"

" So" He smiled, "Mines next month!" I laughed at him.

" Are you going to take me on our first proper date?" I asked and he nodded.   

Me a pregnant teen, wait what?Where stories live. Discover now