Chapter Six: Violated

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He bites harshly onto my bottom lip making me squeal in pain, He starts to kiss my neck leaving hickeys all over.

I couldn't stop crying, all I wanted to do was go home but there's no way that could happen.

I turn my attention to other side of the room as Someone opens the door.

I noticed it was the same woman from the other room holding a suit case, I couldn't be more happier to see someone right now, even if it was her.

"P-please make him st-top!", I say chocking up on my words. "Geeze mike don't scare the girl to death", She tells him.

"I thought I'd just have some fun teasing her", He laughs while letting go of his grip around my wrist.

I felt like I couldn't catch my breath, the tears wouldn't stop streaming down my checks.

"Sweetie He was just playing with you, don't worry", The woman says while embracing me into a hug. Don't worry? Are you fucking serious?

Her arms detach from my body as I stand there confused as ever. Why is this happening to me?

She opens the suit case she had and takes out a needle along with shampoo and conditioner.

"W-why do you have that needle?", I say. "Stay still sweetie, You won't feel a thing", She says while holding my wrist.

I yanked my arm out of her grip and ran to the door. I tried opening it but it was locked, I start banging on the door screaming for someone to help me but no one came.

The man comes from behind, wrapping his arms around my stomach and swings me away from the door.

"Let go of me!", I screamed. He walks me over to the girl as I struggle to get out of his grip, "Please just let me go", I pleaded, All she did was roll her eyes.

"Hold her down mike" The mans grip becomes tighter around my body as The girl turns my hand around and injects the needle into my vein.

My body begins to feel weaker as my eyes become droopy. I could barely feel anything, Literally anything.

I was even too weak to lift my arm up, I felt lifeless, They both walk me over to the shower while the tears continued to stream down my face.

The man Lets the water hit our skin as she begins to massage the shampoo onto my scalp.

She then pours the conditioner onto my head and massages that in too, He's holding me so close that his dick is literally touching my ass.

I've never been this disgusted and violated before.

She starts to wash my body with a sponge making sure she gets everywhere.

After that, She turns off the water and the man dries the both of us off with a towel.

He puts his clothes back on as the girl carries my weight onto her shoulders waiting for him to be done.

He then wraps my body with the towel and picks me up bridal style as we all walk out of the room.

When we were walking down the hallway, I noticed girls passing by us just starring.

We enter the empty room and the first thing I see is a window, Thank god.

I also see that there's only one twin bed in the center of the room and some scattered chairs around.

I'm shocked they even gave me a bed considering I was sleeping on the floor with nothing to cover with.

The room kinda reminded me of a hospital because of the curtains, They were the type that went all the way around the bed which weirded me out.

As the man sits on the bed with me on his lap, The woman opens up the suitcase and takes out a pair of underwear along with a white tang top.

She walks over to us and the man stands up with me in his arms. "I got it from here", She tells him. He nods his head in response then lays me on the bed and walks out of the room.

She opens my towel revealing my bare body, she slides the thong on then slides the tang top on me.

We hear a knock on the door as she takes out the needle once again. "Come in!", She shouts.

The same guy comes in and closes the door behind him, He walks over and slides a chair next to us.

She holds my four arm and injects the strong liquids into my vein.

I slowly turn my head to the mans face as a tear slips away from my eyes.

I feel my whole body give out completely as I drift away to sleep.


I wake up with the sound of foot steps walking towards me. My eyes are still sealed shut as the stranger takes a seat on the bed right beside my legs.

"Wake up sleepy head", The woman says while slightly shaking me. I open my eyes to see the same woman from last time.

I look around the room and seen the same guy from last time sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. It looks like he's been there for a while now.

I take a good look at the window confused as ever, Why the hell is it dark outside?

"How long was I asleep for?", I asked her. "About 2 days"

What the fuck? What did they give me?

"Is that even normal?", I asked her. "Well from what we gave you, It's very normal, It just makes you sleep for long periods of time"

I pull my body up with my hands feeling extremely weak. "What did you inject me with before you put me to sleep?"

"That's just something to calm you down with, We inject those into the girls that disobey us or try to put up a fight", She says.

I nod my head in response as she makes her way towards the door. "Mr. C is ready to see you", She says before opening the door. "Who's that?"

"You'll see", And with that being said, she walks out of the room along with that guy shutting the door behind them.

What does she mean 'you'll see'? I'm left there frozen in my thoughts thinking the worse is yet to come.

20 minutes pass by and no one has came. At this point I'm just playing the waiting game.

I start to stare at the wall for minute until I hear the door open.


I hope you liked this chapter and please don't forget to vote!

Love, Terri🦋

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