Chapter Twelve: More of me?

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I sat there for what it seems like forever just thinking, Thinking if there's any possible way for me to get out, thinking if I'll ever see my parents or ivrey again, Thinking if I'll ever feel what it's like to be free, Just thinking about everything. I wanted so badly to leave this hell hole without any worries of being snatched once again then being punished, God I wish I had the chance to take back that night...

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the door opening. My eyes shot up and seen a woman dressed as a maid who I'm assuming is Maria walk in with a silver trey filled with food, She shut the door behind her and walked over to me. "Mr. Collins assured me to feed you during brunch time", She said while setting the trey on top of my lap. "Thank you", I replied back while moving my hair behind my ears.

"He also assured me to give you these", She took a few Advil's out of her apron then handed them to me. "Thank you María", I replied. She smiled then walked out of the room shutting the door behind her. I looked down at the trey and was instantly amazed, There was a glass of milk, A bowl of oats with bananas and strawberries sitting on top, a stack of pancakes drenched in maple syrup, toast with butter melted on top, bacon with scrambled eggs on the side, and hash browns with sausage on the side. My mouth was watering just by the site of it.

Before anything, I took the Advil and consumed some of the milk right after, I really hope this helps with the soreness. Finally, I grabbed the fork and knife and began to dig in.

After I finished of what I could, I set the trey on the night stand beside me. I rubbed my belly feeling the food baby harden, I was completely stuffed but happy I even ate that much, I haven't had a full meal like that in forever, It felt good. I got up and fetched my thong from the floor, i slipped them on and noticed a book shelf on the other side of the room.

I could probably kill some time by reading for a little bit, who knows how long I'm gonna be in here for until he comes back. I walked over to it and examined the books one by one. After a while I finally picked one, 'The fault in our stars', I grabbed the book from the shelf and walked over to the bed. I rested my back against the head board and covered myself with the blanket trying to get comfortable. I opened the book and turned to the first chapter.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~~~~~

I jumped up sweating uncontrollably trying to catch my breath, I looked around the dark empty room and seen no one. I was confused as ever, I felt my hand still clutched onto something, I looked down and seen the book. I guess I fell asleep reading, How long was I passed out for? I sat myself up and turned the lamp on beside me. I removed the blanket from my body and got up, My bare feet hit the cold wooden floor as I walked over to the bathroom.

I turned the light on then turned on the sink and splashed cold water onto my face trying to calm myself down, I turned around and dabbed the towel on my face. After that I turned off the water along with the light then walked out. I made my way to the door and slowly opened it letting a stream of light enter the room.

I walked out and quietly shut the door behind me. I looked on both sides and didn't see anything familiar, The wooden staircase wasn't where it was last time, He must of tooken me to another part of the house I haven't been to. Right as I was about to walk down the hallway, The door next to mine opened and revealed one of the people I was dreading to see...The man who kidnapped me.

I stood there not knowing what to do, I didn't want to look at this man nor even talk to him, I hated him with a passion along with Mr. Collins and that stupid bitch. I turned around quickly trying to open the door but was instantly stopped, "Where you trying to go Luna?" He questioned. I stayed quiet thinking of what to say, But then again... why not just tell him the truth?

"I had a nightmare and woke up very dehydrated, I was going to get a glass of water", I responded. He leans his shoulder against the wall while crossing his arms together, His gaze traveled down my body as a cocky smirk appeared on his lips. "Do you know where the kitchen is?", He asked. I turned my head around trying to figure out where it could be, I knew I wasn't gonna find it alone. "No, Not really", I replied.

"Not really?" He chuckled, I annoyedly shook my head in response.

"Alright c'mon", He sighed.

I followed him as he walked down the hallway, At the end of the hallway, He took a left. After that he took another left which lead us straight to the wooden stair case. I continued to follow him as he lead me through the dinning room, He opened the swinging door revealing the kitchen.This is seriously one gigantic confusing house.

I glanced around my surroundings wondering where everyone was, It was just me and him in the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge opening it and grabbed the water container, It wasn't hard to find considering It was right in the front. I set the water down on the island and started opening the cabinets trying to find a glass.

Finally after opening almost five cabinets, I found the glasses, bowls, and plates. I grabbed one glass and walked back to the island, I served the water and consumed the whole glass within the minute. I served more and continued drinking it, He sat at the island waiting for me to be done. I finished the second glass and served one more to take up to the room. "Damn how thirsty are you?", He laughed.

"I'm done, Are you gonna walk me back up now?", I annoyedly asked while picking up my glass. "Yeah come on", He said. "Oh and one more thing", He said while gripping my wrist, "loose the attitude or I'll make you", He continued. I nodded my head agreeing to him, he's just like Collins.

Once we reached the room, The door next to mine opened and revealed another person I was fucking dreading to see, The 'Mysterious unknown Amy' came out almost fully naked, her white silky lingerie was sheer enough to show her nipples along with her vagina. "Hurry up, I'm getting inpatient", She pleaded as a smile appeared on her lips .

"I'm coming, Go back in now", He demands.

Her smile instantly fades away as she turns around entering the room and shutting the door behind her. I thought she was working with them only?

I opened the door and walked in, I set the glass on the night stand then laid down. He was still standing in the door way I guess waiting for me to get settled in. "He shouldn't be long so no more exploring, You got what you needed", With that being said, He shut the door leaving the room pitch black. I pulled the covers from underneath setting them over my body then turned on my side, I wiggled around a couple of times trying to find a comfortable spot and finally succeeded.

I start thinking about that girl again, I really thought she was working with them considering she literally roofied me and lead me to that guy, God I really need to learn his name, saying 'guy' in my head isn't working. Anyways what I'm not getting is why is she sleeping with him or both of them if she's supposedly working with them? I get people sometimes sleep with their co-workers or boss but I just get the feeling she's like me.....

                  Their Sex Slave.


Wow-wy, It literally has been forever since I posted a chapter and I'm so sorry for that, I've been so caught up in school then work it's been insane for me but I wish I would've updated sooner than this:( I just want to say I know there's not many of you reading this but I'm still beyond great full people are actually reading and enjoying my story, Makes me really happy :) I hope you guys liked this chapter and please don't forget to vote!

Love, Terri🦋

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