Divine Tales 3: A Divine's Curiosity

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Cantaris PoV

The whole banquet thing with the north is on going today, the weeks of preparation are now amounting to this, the cleaning and organizing all done in times as the guests from the north disembarked from their ships. To be honest I don't give two damns about what these people are planning, apparently father ordered them to do this. Despite that and my gardening job I still have to do these menial chores so that I won't get told of by father. Though I am somewhat concerned if father's believers can keep,their composure when those that attacked this country are to set soil in this land and are treated as guests. Though I remember father telling me it is for formalities sake but in the end it seems like getting several 'enemy' royals in the capital is just asking for trouble.

As per say my job not only involves gardening but watching over the royal prince, as ordered by her highness Valia. And not meaning to rant but that kid's curiosity will surely get him killed in the near future. But I do my duties well. Now I'am currently trying to calm down the young prince, he and his sister are only two years apart. But a kid is still a kid after all.

"Kanata, I still don't like it....." He fusses on.

Earlier he acted quite rashly and called out the opposing children, if this were a real diplomatic gathering this would be a huge blunder, but as it is just a tea party these things can be let off.

"Now, now that is no way to treat guests, even if those guests are your adversaries your highness."

"But don't you see these people are the ones that attacked our land, not to mention they posed a threat to our allies. They should not deserve this type of treatment and hospitality." He rambles on.

By the stars what a bug pain! I need to talk to your father about this,

"Okay, look here your sister is trying her best to act cordially as a representative of this nation, in the near future those kids you called on today in the future may become captains, nobles dukes and even the king, one of them was a crowned prince. Sooner or later whether you like it or not, you will have to face them head on."


You have got to be kidding me, I'm not too well versed in human politics but maybe I should just baby it down to explain it to him.

"Lookie here, just think of it like this, your sister is doing her best to get in with those people, people who can either attack or leave us at peace. Your sister is trying to know more of those people so that she may find a way for us to coexist without unnecessary fights."

The prince looks at me with a blank stare and nods after staring at me for a good while. Was my explanation good enough for you to understand. Please, I wanna go back in the shade it's quite warm here.

"I understand.....Kanata please take me to sister, I'll be good."

"You sure?"

" I guess but....."

"But what?"

"Kanata....I'm scared....is sister going to be all right with those monsters? She is not going to be bullied right?" Aneil says as he has a pitiful loo on if as if he was about to break.

I send a mind link message to my sister to let me see what is going on, she is serving in that party after all. In an instant my sister projects her what she sees and.....oh my the princess really is enjoying her self a bit too much isn't she? Trolling and messing with children, man I really need to tell her off...I guess?

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