Dog in the Park

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Ah, the park. My favourite place to be. I like to come here to just relax and take my mind off things. No worries, no distrac-

"Oof" I grunted as I was tackled to the ground by a dog. I sat up as much as I could with the large, panting figure still on my stomach. The American Bulldog watches me intently as I gently lift him off me.

"Well, hey there little guy," I say, petting the dog's head. He seems to like it as his tail starts wagging back and forth.

"What's your name, dude?" I ask, searching for a name tag. I find it hanging from a green collar. A small golden pendant reads "East" on it.

"East? That's a cool name. Where you from?" I ask, once again searching for an address on the name tag. I find none and slowly stand up.

"Well, seeing as no one has come for you, why don't you come with me? At least until I find your owner." I say as I grab his leash that has been tucked into his collar.

We walk back to my place which takes about 15 minutes. I live in a really small apartment in downtown Boston. My apartment is so small, I only have one bathroom, a small bedroom, a small living area with an even smaller TV, and a kitchen, which consists if a counter, an oven and stove, and a microwave. This was the best I could afford on my small budget I get at the small Diner I work at.

I slid my key into the lock and turned the knob, letting us both inside. East walked around a bit, sniffing everything as he went. He finally plopped down on the couch, lying down and shutting his eyes.

I felt bad for him. His owner too. He was such a sweet dog, and he must be so tired after walking around so much. I figured if he'll be here a while, I might as well make him comfortable.

I walked back out of the apartment and hopped on my motorcycle. I rode to the nearest pet store and bought him some food bowls, dog food, and a dog bed.

I rode back home and set everything up, placing the bowls in the kitchen and filling then with food and water and placing the bed in my room. He was still asleep so I figured I might as well get some shut eye too.

I jumped in my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys so this is my first Chris Evans Fanfic! I hope you guys like it! Comment what you think, good or bad I don't care. Enjoy!


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