Recital Night

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So, filming starts in two months. Chris and I are both staring in the movie. We meet our co-stars in one month.

Right now Chris is at my place and we are just sitting on the couch, watching a movie playing on tv. The movie is "Not Another Teen Movie" starring none other than the man sitting next to me.

"Oh my gosh, is that a banana up your butt?" I asked, laughing.

"Sadly, yes it is." He replied, laughing just as hard.

"Hey, you wanna go somewhere tonight?" He asked.

"I would, but I can't. My dance recital is tonight." I said.

"Oh, right. Where's it at?" He asked.

"Franklin High School, why?" I asked.

He stood up and leaned down to kiss me from my position on the couch, "It's a date." He said as he walked to the door.

"Ugh! Chris, don't leave me! I can't stand being away from my one true love!" I said over dramatically with the back of my hand on my forehead.

"Lovely Maiden, I regret to inform you that I must leave your side, but only for now." He said, trying to mimic my British accent.

"Will I see you again?" I asked, standing up and pulling him close to me.

"I promise, I will return, for you." He said, leaning in and kissing me.

"Your British accent sucks." I said as we pulled away.

"Way to ruin the moment!" He laughed. "And yours isn't the greatest either!"

"I was born with mine! Americans." I muttered the last part under my breath.

He laughed. " I heard that! What's wrong with good ol' 'Merica?" He asked.

"Well for one, -" I started.

"Don't finish that sentence! And I hate to break it to you, but you're boyfriend is Captain America."

"I'm only joking, I happen to love America, and Captain America. See you at 5:30?"

"Sounds good."


Lipstick, check. Eyeliner, check. Tights, check, costumes, check.

I was checking my bag to make sure I had everything. It was 5:15 and I had to be there in 5 minutes.

I made sure I had verything before rushing out the door and onto my bike. I placed my bag into the storage space and drove off.

I made it to the school with three minutes to spare. I ran inside and went to the aiting area for the students. My tap class was in costume and ready to go on stage. They went on first. Their costumes were multi- colored sequins at the top with a hot pink tutu. Their song was "Safe and Sound" by Capital Ctites.

"Alright girls, you ready?" They all jumped up and down with excitment.

"Great! Well, whatever happens out there, just remember that you're all amazing in my eyes. You guys are going to do awesome! If you need help, I'll be at the side of the stage, just wathc me. Now, let's go and have fun!" I announced. They all looked amazing and I was proud of them all.

I led them to the stage and lined them up in order. I reminded them all to smile and do their best, then took my place at the side of the stage.


I had already finished 5 out of my 6 routines that night. I was completely exhausted. The only routine left was my lyrical. I hcanged into my costume. It was a light blue, flowy dress. I changed my shoes and watied until it was my turn to go on.

I stood center stage, the spotlight was on me. The music started and I moved grcefully across the stage, jumping and rolling occasionally.

Now it was time for the part I was mot worried about, the leap.

I had to leap accross the stage and land in a split. I had only accomplished it once or twice.

I prepared for the leap, backing up to the end of the stage. I ran and leaped, flying in the air for a few seconds before land ing in a split, successfully. Or so I thought.

Before I landed in the split,I landed on my ankle awkwardly, sending a sharp pain through my foot. However, I kept going, addrenalin cousing through my veins. I finished with a turn and a pose, smiling as the corwd erupted with claps and cheers.

I curtseyed and walked off stage.

I limped back to teh changing room and took a seat, only now realizing the pain in my ankle.

"Hey, you did great out there! Everyone loved it!" Chris said behind me. I turned around and noticed he had a bouqet of red roses in his hand.

"Thanks. I'll just grab my stud and we can go." As soon as I took a step toward my bag, The pain from my ankle shot up my leg and I lost balance. Beofre I hit the ground, Chris' hand wrapped around my waist.

"Thanks," I said, turning and limping towards my bag.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked, helping me pack up my stuff.

"Yeah, I just twisted my ankle on stage, I'm fine." I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"I think we should get it checked out, it looks pretty swollen." He said.

"Fine, but only to prove to you that everything's fine." I said, limping out the door, wincing with every step.

Chris came behing me and lifted me up bridal style. I yelped in surprise.

"Chris, put me down!" I said squirming, trying to get out of his iron grip.

"No, you're limping, I'll carry you." He said in a heroic tone.

I sighed and laid back in his arms, enjoying the ride. Eventually, I fell asleep in Chris' arms.

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