20. Dinner

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(What Xavier ate for dinner)

Xavier's POV:

I walked back into the school, the teachers creating a large circle around the new students to avoid them getting lost.

Many did try to sight see after all. Further down the hall, I heard a clattering of dishes and silverware.

Oh, yeah. The older students that were coming back took a test a week ago. That means they have been here the entire time.

The headmaster swiftly lead us to the cafeteria, and pushed the doors open. The noise grew suddenly louder for a second, and then all quieted.

He started walking up the middle aisle and sat down upon the chair. The students were eying us carefully, with somewhat eager eyes.

Which was a bit creepy. I still had my hood on though so many of the eyes were blocked out.

I also know that they were overenthusiastic because we would be sorted into 'houses'.

There were the house games, so house leaders were always looking for more powerful students.

Suddenly, the headmaster cleared his throat. Every student turned their head towards his and waited in silence.

"Today, we welcome thirty new freshman students!" The whole hall cheered, except for the dignified teachers who nodded their heads and smiled.

And yeah, this school was definitely hard to get into. 30 students out of 2912 participants.

"They will be shortly separated into their houses after dinner so don't fuss. They can sit anywhere they want for now." The students all nodded once again.

"Proceed," said the piercing voice of the headmaster. I walked towards the emptiest table, which only filled up about half, and sat at the very end where no one was around. My senses alert.

After sitting for a good five minutes I felt a presence behind me. "What?" I said while turning slightly, clearly catching him off guard.

"Uh, hi!" He said while recovering. "I was wondering if y-you would like to sit with us?" He said while pointing farther down the table."

I sighed in reluctance. But me being the nice person I am, I said "sure." I got up and walked around towards the middle of the table and sat down next to a boy with hazel eyes and brown hair.

They all looked at me with curiosity, as I started to wordlessly eat my food. The one next to me was the first to start the conversation.

"So, what is your name?"

"Xavier," I reply. They all looked shocked. A boy with green eyes and blond hair then spoke up. "Woah, you were the one that got 100 percent on the test!"

"Yeah," I said sticking with short answers.

"What do you mean yeah! That's never been done before!"

"Oh," I said while losing my wall a bit. "I guess it is kind of cool." I said with a cheeky smile.

After this they started to warm up around me as I actually showed emotion. "Is it just me or is it really hot in this room?" I said.

The others shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, I guess it is." The redhead, which I now know as Brandon said.

Sweat was rolling down my neck by now. The one negative thing about my body is that it's really warm all the time.

Da*nmit, if this goes on any longer I will have to take my hood off. I sighed with contempt before giving into the heat.

While nobody was watching I slid my hood off, releasing the heat from my face. I breathed in a sigh of relief when I didn't feel like I was burning in a furnace anymore.

Unfortunately, this attracted their attention. "You okay Xavi-" He said before cutting off mid sentence.

Their eyes were wide. "What," I said. "Is there something on my face?" I started touching my face around my mouth to feel for any food but it was clean.

"No! It's not on your face! It is your face and your hair" I frowned while some people looked at us, their eyes widening too.

I pouted sullenly. "My face isn't that ugly, is it?" I said. He disregarded my question. "Is your hair naturally black," he said while touching it. "Y-yeah," I stuttered.

Suddenly, his touching started to annoy me. Even more people were staring now. "Would you cut it out!

I tried to silently yell and accidentally released 2 percent of my mana. But I quickly reeled it back in before anybody would notice.

I looked around the room and caught the eyes of many people, the girls often blushing and looking away while the boys had,

Wait, IS THAT JEALOUSY! Nope, my instincts must be wrong. Yup, definitely wrong.

I slumped back in my chair, pulled the hood over my face, and put my head on the table. Suddenly, my hood was pulled off me yet again.

Yet this time he wouldn't give it back. Afraid of causing another commotion I just ignored him and tried to hide myself as best as possible.

Which was very hard as I could feel the prying eyes on my back.


The rest of my small dinner was very uncomfortable. But I made it through. The only reason it was uncomfortable though was because people kept coming up to me to converse.

All of them receiving short answers. Soon enough the table was filled, while my new found friends were definitely enjoying all the girls company.

At least they don't know I'm a Redhardt and I have a lot of mana. Then I would really be overflowing with company.

The separating ceremony will take place soon, and I will find out which house I will be in. There is one house for each of the elements.

But just because you have that element doesn't mean you will get into that house. For example, a fire element could get into the water house. While a water element could get into the metal house.

There are many combinations.

The way they sort is simple. They separate you through a personality test. Kind of like the movies divergent in the old world. They will base your house off of your choices.

For an average person it takes around seven minutes. For 30 people to go it will take around 3 hours and 30 minutes to test us all.

The unmistakable headmasters voice then boomed out around the hall. "First years! Follow me out of the cafeteria to take your tests." He then swept out of the room, all of the first years following in tow.

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