38. Adventurer

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"Thank GOD!" I sighed in boredom while flopping on the common rooms couch. I felt another body drop on top of me but I completely ignored it. Luka groaned in pain as I felt twitches in his muscles.

"I can't believe Mrs. Bracke(swordsmanship teacher) makes me do twice as many practice swings in the class. She even makes you do four times as many!" He mumbled in complaint.

"Yeah, I thought swordsmanship would be less boring and more hard. I heard her say that we'll be doing practice swings for another four months! We've been doing it for a month already.." I mumbled in annoyance.

I looked at the laying Luka on top of me, and noted his disbelieving face. "You mean you're not tired!?" He yelled loudly. "Da*n Luka! Trying to break my eardrums!" I said while rubbing my ear.

He yelled while I shoved him to the floor and sat up, trying to nurse my overly sensitive ears back to health. "Way to treat you're best friend...."

"What?" I said. I aware I heard something, whatever. Not more than two minutes later Jordan and Zachary walked into the room with dead looks on their faces. They plopped down the couch beside me and groaned at the same time.

Based on their pale complexions I can only guess where they came from. "Magic Combat?" I asked. "Yeah," they answered at the same time. "Yep, that's probably the hardest class one can have," I said with a sigh.

'But that's only because I have to hold back a lot' I thought internally. I looked back at the boys and flinched at their harsh gazes. "Says the guy who's the top in every class! I even heard the teachers talking about putting you in second year classes!" Jordan blurted. "Sh*t," I cursed. 'I have to stop being so perfect,' I thought.

The curse was blatantly ignored as the boys shot into other topics, seemingly recovered from their dire states. I gazed out the window for a few minutes, marveling in the clear blue skies and the sun shining brightly. Suddenly, something hit me.

"Crap! It's almost three I've got to go!" I yelled while quickly running out of the common room and too the club hall. I burst into the club room right before 3:00 and readied my violin for playing.

Just as the grand clock chimed the orchestra club leader burst into the room while carrying his viola and took note of all the absent people. He looked in my direction and nodded his head as I returned the gesture. The temporary chief, or temporary leader of orchestra, is a fifth year in water house. The original chief, a water sixth year, is currently on a personal training quest with the rest of the sixth years.

As a sixth year you go to a large forest to try and survive on your own for a year. This is why most people fail during the sixth year or drop out in the fifth. There is no protection in the forest so you either die, survive while going crazy, or survive while being hardened by the forest. Sometimes the only people who make it through to be seventh years are the house leaders, and if enough don't make it through a sixth year is chosen.

Also, since the forest is so dangerous the majority of people team up, sometimes even becoming a group of over 20 which is usually more than half the years students. But these groups never survive long because they draw so much attention. Anyways, back to the point. The current chief is inexperienced so he doesn't know how to conduct very well. Therefore, I have helped him a bit, even taking over at times.

Like usual we all start as he walks in and fill the room with beauty. I run my bow lightly when it's pianissimo and harder when it's forté. I only use my fingers when it's pizzicato and use every dynamic and technique it calls for. By the time the song was over I had a shine in my eyes while my breathing was heavier. The only times I really feel alive is when I'm cooking, making music, or fighting. Although the violin is a new thing for me I love it like family, practicing everyday and deepening the connection with the sound. After a few more songs, some with me conducting, the club time is over and dinner is about to start.

I walk back towards my case and start packing up my instrument delicately with a loving smile on my face. After closing the case I looked up, the smile still on my face. My eyes met with a dozen others, causing gasps to go around. Da*n my charming smile. My face immediately goes stony I waited for them to speak. A cute shorter girl with blonde hair and chocolate eyes stepped up with a red face. "Um, y-you're really beauti- no! Your playing is really beautiful!" She said a bit flustered. All the crowd nodded in agreement, bright smiles on their faces.

I stood up and walked towards the girl, violin still in my hand. "Thank you!" I beamed while patting her head. This compliment actually made me generally happy for once, after all I learned this through hard work not pure talent. "And I think your cello playing was beautiful as well," I added for good measure. I quickly walked away through the crowd, noticing a tomato red face in the corner of my vision.

It's not really my fault though, it's her fault for being so dang cute! I couldn't hold my hand back from patting her.

HER HEAD! Only her head!

I continued toward the common room to drop off my instrument and then walked with Jordan to the main hall after he waited. Luka and Zachary went ahead because apparently they were 'starving' and needed to eat or they'll die. I wouldn't be surprised though, we did skip lunch in favor of practicing magic.

Ah, magic. Right now we aren't doing many spells, only the simplest ones for each affinity we have. Most people can only use one affinity though so they can practice on that full time, unlike me. For example, Luka has the wind affinity. Jordan has the water affinty and Zachary has light affinity. They are all proficient in spell casting and are starting to move from magic balls to magic needles, or spears. I've decided to only show my water affinity because, well I like it.

Anyways, yeah. Jordan's the only one that stayed behind. Pretty much the rest of the house proceeded toward the dining hall. We walked out of the entrance and down the long hallways, navigating through this endless maze we call a school, and eventually reaching the cafeteria.

I sat down next to Zachary who devoured more than half of his plate already, and still not looking a bit full. I looked down at my own randomly grabbed plate and smiled wryly. I always tend to get the fish. I hate fish. I grabbed my fork and took a bite out of it, almost wincing at the oily feel.

And thats when I heard a throat clearing. Looking up with the rest of the student body we saw the vice headmaster standing stiffly, waiting for the sound to die down. Not that it took long though. "First years of phoenix academy," he started while looking at every table. "This is a very important week, the time when you might start your life's adventure. As an adventurer." Many eyes widened as some smiles blossomed, including mine. I mean not everybody in this school wants to be a knight, right?

"For those of you who wish to be an adventurer, or even if you plan to be a knight, this is an extremely important decision. It can gather you battle experience and knowledge, while also gaining life skills like bartering and how to evaluate others and your own skill."

"I am aware that some of you are already adventurers, or in the merchants guild and such. You can be in more than one guild though so don't be worried about limiting your future options. This may just be the opportunity you all need-"

He droned on and on. But I've already decided. I have been sure since I came into this world. I want to be an adventurer.

Reincarnated into the world of Lecouteux (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now