23. The dorms

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(Luka, Xavier's roommate)

Xavier's POV:

I sat down at the previous table beside my 'freinds', I guess. They were all sneaking glances at me, trying to be discrete. Maybe it's because of the odd way I I did the test.

Meh. I'll just have to deal.

I watched the screen in the front of the hall, almost everybody taking the test the same way. Sitting in the chair, getting trapped.

Choosing a resource off the table in front of them, an enchanted knife, a key, or a book. Most chose knife or key, while few chose book.

They then escaped from the chair, as each item was a way out, and had to choose between saving their own skins or helping children in an illusion.

Only three other people didn't sit in the chair, and they broke the mirrors to get out. Must be the most common way.

Eventually all the students were done, all the tables, except for metal, were filled, and chatter started.

It seems that five other first years got into metal, otherwise known as multi, which is apparently a high number.

Anyways, back to the table. "Gather round!" I'm guessing the house chief yelled. I read that each house has a student chief, and an adult guardian. The student chief(house chief) is of the highest grade and most powerful and responsible of that grade in the house.

He stood at the end of the table, eyes flickering before all the students. There are only about forty of us, but I could tell that this house was fairly powerful.

I could sense the thickness of mana, equal to the houses around us. Maybe it's strength in power instead of numbers this time round'.

He cleared his throat and started speaking. "Welcome back, to all the second through seventh years, and welcome to the first."

"We are all lucky, and skilled, to be in this school, which is not very big in population to begin with."

"I'm guessing most, if not all have realized that we are a small group, the smallest in fact, in the school."

"But that won't stop us from reclaiming the championship title in the house games, when William Redhardt led us to the top seven years ago, when I was just a first year."

Great. So my father is practically an idolized celebrity here. Just great.

"Be ready to bring your best to the battle field, be ready to fight in sweat, tears, and blood. To put your life on the line for honor. To compete in the house games."

"Now, follow me." And he walked off with a dramatic end.

Maybe even too dramatic.....


We walked up and down various halls until we came to a large gold door. "So, in metal house we have a special lock on the door. A mana lock. "

"A person is unable to open this door unless they have been told by a metal house resident, and uses mana."

He opened he door and started speaking again. "I will teach the first years how to release their mana quickly while second years and up go in."

The elders walked into the dorms quietly, shutting the door behind them. "So, most of you are probably going to have very little mana, but that is okay. As long as you can pour in ten mana, which all of you most likely have, then you can get in."

It's virtually impossible to have ten mana or less, anyways. Everyone is born with mana, and it develops over time until you are twenty.

By the age ten, most children have around 40 to 70 mana. Any ten year old above one hundred is considered elite.

And if you can't open this door, That person might as well give up because this school requires more than ten mana to participate in.

He started going through the steps, pausing occasionally to see if everyone understood. By ten minutes in, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep.

Don't get me wrong, I think he's actually a great teacher, but I've read this process fully like seven times. It's literally carved into my brain.

By the time I woke up, the whole class was inside the dorm and the house chief was shaking me awake.

He looked at me with seemingly irritated eyes and an annoyed face. "Did you sleep through the whole introduction?" He said a bit angrily. Da*n, this guy has a bit of an anger issue.

Even if it might get me on bad terms with him, I don't believe in lying. "Well, I fell asleep like ten minutes into the lecture." I said drowsily.

"Kudos to your honesty, but you're still in trouble. You will stay out here until you can open this door without directions. If you cannot open this door I will help you tomorrow. Got it?"

I nodded still half asleep as he opened and walked through the door shutting it behind him.

Sh*t, now I've got to control my mana so it doesn't go overboard. I don't want to break the lock.

This is the hardest part. If it only needs ten mana, I will just guess. I'll start with 1% mana.

I let out my mana in a quick burst and the door swung open. I looked at the lock which was a tad black and secretly fixed it.

All the heads turned to my direction as I walked through the doorway. Obviously the chief expected me to take longer than a minute. Oops.

"Boys dormitory?" I asked in a monotone voice. He pointed towards the left hall, which supposedly led to bathrooms, and dorms. "Room number and key?" I also asked.

He shuffled over to a curio cabinet and pulled out a set of keys and a card, quickly gaining composure.

"Thanks" I said as he put it in my hands. I looked for the number and eventually found the room, opening it to a small boy with light brown hair, black eyes, black glasses, and pale skin.

"Hi," I said cheerily. "I'm Xavier, nice to meet you," I said while putting out my hand. "He took it a bit hesitantly and replied.

"H-hi. My n-names Lucika, b-but you can call m-me Luka." He said in a shaky voice. Looks like I've found myself a shy one.

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