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"This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen. The one upside is our annual holiday. We call it Snoggletog."

"Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery. But with the war long over - and dragons living amongst us, this year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember."

I was asleep until I heard banging on my roof. I open my eyes then hide under my covers. The noise continues much louder. "Okay, okay, I'm coming!" I sit up grunting.

I slouch in my bed reaching for my Viking helmet. I miss the first few times. Finally, I get my helmet, putting it on my head. I yawned once more then got out of my bed.

I walk outside rubbing my arms, yawning. I look upon my roof to see Toothless sitting up there. Bossy pants. "Oh good morning, Mr. Bossy!" Toothless laughs at me, I imitate Toothless' laugh. "You always have to wake me up so early to go flying-!"

My metal foot slips on the ice, making me almost do the splits. Toothless catches me with his head lifting me upsetting me on the snow again. "Stupid leg," I mutter, hopping on my good leg while kicking my metal one. Toothless snorts coming closer to me. "Oh, thanks buddy, I'm okay. Yeah, we can go flying now." Toothless suddenly burps. "Eww, eww, what, eww, argh Toothless."


Toothless flies up into the air quickly, spinning then shot forwards. "Come on, let's see what you've got today!" We dive down a cliff face. "Okay, you ready?" I unhook my leg and stand on Toothless. He loses his balance. "Easy." Once we get closer I jump over a cliff while Toothless goes under. I fly over the rock. I land on Toothless and hook my leg back in. "Yes, finally!" I yell happily then continue to fly with Toothless.


I walk around Berk alone. I have no idea where Hiccup is. He's probably outgoing what Hiccup's do. I walk around to see Vikings and dragons together decorating. Ever since Dragons and Vikings made peace, Berk has been... Well, different. Instead of Battle Training to kill dragons, we do training to train dragons. I walk until I walk by the hill where the chief lives. Before I could even leave, Stoick, Hiccup's father comes down towards me with Gobber.

"Astrid!" Stoick calls to me. I stop in my tracks staying where I was. "Have you seen Hiccup?" He asked.

"It's cold out here, and we don't need him getting the flu," Gobber adds.

I tug on my bangs. "No, actually I have no idea where he is, although he might be out flying," I say.

"Flying?" his father asks.

"Mhm." Stoick just grunts then stomps away with Gobber. I sigh slowly then continue to walk. I walk up to Stormfly who is nestled in her nest at my house. "Hi, Stormfly," I say to her. She squawks at me. "Wanna go for a fly?" I ask her. She squawks again. Maybe I'll find Hiccup and Toothless while I'm out there.

The wind was thick, but that didn't stop me or Stormfly. I can barely see anything in front of me. Remember what Hiccup said in dragon training... I don't really remember, but I'll try... Got it! When you're unable to see, always trust your dragon. Stormfly leads us out of the storm taking us to clearer skies.

As we fly, I see something black on a giant, thick rock sticking not to much out of the water. The rock just surfaced the water but was wide enough to hold five dragons. "Stormfly, move in!" Stormfly flies down a little letting me get a better view.

It's Hiccup and Toothless!

'Till The Day I Die [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now