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Astrid's P.O.V.

I circle the town once more with Stormfly. He's not back yet. Where ever he is, he better be okay. He needs to be here. He needs to know what's happened. Everything went hectic since he left to find this imaginary Stormcutter! Hiccup and his imagination.

Stormfly flew up higher as she circled once more. Then I suddenly hear a familiar Dragon call.

I look up to see Toothless, spiral diving down from the cloud, before spreading his wings out to stop himself as he hovered beside Stormfly and me. Hiccup had a confused look in his eyes, as she glanced down at his near vacant village. 

It was then, when he looked up at me, and I felt my blood boil when I saw how pale he looked. "Where have you been?" I ask madly.

Hiccup shrugged his shoulders.  "I got lost..." He replied.

I find that hard to believe. Hiccup! Getting lost! This boy always carries a map on him! He can memorize a map quicker than most! Hell, he is working on his own map, cause he claims there isn't a map big enough. Hiccup Haddock is the last Viking to get lost."Lost? Hiccup, you practically know every island in the archipelago! There's no way you got lost! What were you doing that cause you to get lost? Finding  the imaginary Stormcutter that you made up in your head?" I ask.

Hiccup gave me a crooked smile, his pale eyes gleaming. He's giving me the typical Hiccup Haddock look. He's done something wrong and needs to think of an answer. "Well, more or less! Yeah, I got lost in my search,"

"And did you find this Stormcutter?" I ask, rolling my eyes. Hiccup can give me all the excuses he wants. He needs to go back to his house and rest. After I show him the important things. Our village has no actual chief... Fifteen-year-old, Hiccup Haddock was our acting Chief.

Again, Hiccup shrugged, shivering slightly as the wind blew past us with quite a chill. "... Uh... Yeah..." He answered coughing a little. "It sorta found me."

"Okay. Hiccup, you've been gone for a while. You've been outside way too long..." I tell him as he coughed again. "You're delusional!" 

The russet haired boy narrowed his eyes. "No, I'm not!" He sighed. "I'm fine."

"Let's go," I tell him, turning Stormfly around.

Hiccup didn't budge. He kept Toothless hovering in the same spot as he looked at me concerned. "Astrid wait," he said to me, looking up at the clouds

"Hiccup, we don't have time for this!" I say to him. Although, just as I was about to leave, I see something flying above us. It was huge! What has Hiccup gone and done now? It looked like a four-winged dragon. A Stormcutter? "Is that... Is that a Stormcutter?" I ask.

"Yes..." Hiccup replied. The dragon flew down lower, getting closer. It's not imaginary! Hiccup Haddock has actually found a real Stormcutter. Wait! I can see someone flying it. The person was standing on it, not really riding it.

Great! What now? "Who did you find this time?" I ask him.

"Heh... Uhm... So that's another really interesting story," Hiccup ran his hand through his wind tousled hair looking up at the Stormcutter's rider. There was no ill intent in his eyes. He then gave me a small chuckle before looking at me. "That would be... My Mother."

I blink a couple of times, making sure I heard him right. Mother! That's his mother! No! I refuse! Hiccup's mother is dead! She died when we were really young! Everyone was convinced she was eaten by a dragon. 

But Hiccup's expression gave it all away. The actual shock was still bright in his eyes, but he seemed happy. It was faint, but there was agony in his eyes, as he looks at her. "Your... Your mother?" I ask him. He looked down as he nodded slowly. "But... She - You.." I trail off.

"I know. I thought she was dead." He said. "But she wasn't! She lived in a cave with Dragons for all those years." He said.

I take a deep breath. "How'd you find her?" I ask.

Hiccup laughed faintly, rubbing the back of his head weakly. "Actually, she found me. She kidnapped me then took me back to her cave." He said.

I laugh a little. I saw the Stormcutter fly up to Hiccup and Toothless. The lady who was Hiccup's mother sighed. "Berk hasn't changed." Hiccup then shook his head.

She look up to me then back to Hiccup. Hiccup then looked around at the empty village. "Astrid, where is everyone?" He asked.

"We got raided Hiccup..." I tell him. "Everyone was taken."

"By who?" He asked.

"The Outcast. They came looking for you. But then decided to kidnap all of Berk." I say.

"All of Berk?" He asked.

I nod. "I managed to escape.." I say.

"Who else?" He asked.

"The Dragon Academy. That's it." I say.

He looked down at the village then looked up. "Anything else happens?" He asked.

"No," I say. "But there's something you need to see."

'Till The Day I Die [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now