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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Where is he?" Snotlout asked madly swinging a sword around.

We were at the academy. Hiccup told us to here before nightfall... Now, it's shortly after Nightfall, but, but he's not here. "He'll be here," I tell them.

"He's never late though!" Fishlegs adds.

"He's allowed to be late once and a while." I snap.

"Every time Hiccup's late, he always seems to cause some form of Chaos He seems to be able to do anything without getting in trouble," Tuffnut told us.

"Doing whatever he wants? Why can't we do that?" Ruffnut asks.

"He's the son of the Almighty Stoick the Vast. I'd figure he'd be able to do anything." Snotlout snorted.

"Being the chief's son doesn't mean anything." I corrected. "It just means he's the next heir."

"What does that mean?" Tuffnut asks.

"He'll be chief after Stoick," I tell him.

"That's not entirely true!" Snotlout yelled.

"Why's that?"

"If anything were to happen to Hiccup. I'd be the next heir." Snotlout said proudly.

"Yeah, only because you're his cousin," Fishlegs told him.

"But there's a very low chance that Hiccup will die before he comes of age," I add.

"You know what?" Snotlout wanted to protest against me but he only turned to his Dragon before folding his arms over his chest defeated. "Shut up Astrid!"

I roll my eyes. I hear the screeching moan of a Night Fury. Toothless is here. "Guys, he's here!" I yell.

Snotlout puts he sword down, being that it's the one Hiccup made himself. Ruff and Tuff stopped fighting over who was right. I really don't know... I don't really care! Toothless landed in the training ring. Hiccup got off of him balancing himself. "Sorry I'm... Late, I --" he started then trailed off with a cough.

"Whoa, Hiccup you okay?" Fishlegs asked him. "You look a little rough,"

"Yeah, rougher than usual," Snotlout sneered. "Cause you know, you only have one..." He then trailed off, hopping on his right leg as he pointed to his leg one, indicating that Hiccup's had it rough since he lost his leg.

Hiccup looked up at him, but he didn't register Snotlouts insult. It usually bugs him, as I know it makes him uncomfortable. To be the youngest Viking in the Hooligan Tribe to lose a limp. He didn't look well at all. His hair was a mess. He was pale and his green gaze was extremely dull. "I'm fine," he started slowly fixing his hair. "... I think." Toothless used his head to balance Hiccup. "I'm just a little tired," Hiccup told us.

He sneezed losing his balance. "You really don't look okay," I tell him. "Why don't you just take the day off, I'll take care of the academy."

"No! I'm fine. The academy is my responsibility." He snapped. Hiccup's sudden tone concerned me but I know he won't give up easily. Even after battling the Rsd Death, he was only unconscious for all of three days and was ready to get out there, even though his leg was still hurting him.

Toothless balanced him again as he walked over to the cages. "Get your dragons, we're doing an exercise." He told us getting back on Toothless.

We reluctantly get on our dragons following him. He shot out to the middle of the water where spiky rocks were pointing out. "Why are we here?" Tuff asked.

"This is a trust exercise." Hiccup started closing Toothless' tail. Toothless lost balance but managed to stay up. "You're dragon needs to trust you. Always." He started again but cut off with a sneeze. "But you need to trust you're dragon too," he added letting himself fall backwards falling down towards the sharp rocks.

"He's stupid!" I heard Snotlout yell.

"Yeah," Tuffnut agreed.

"And crazy!" Ruffnut added.

"That too, yes," I add.

Toothless, who was still flying above us, suddenly dove down chasing Hiccup. The russet haired boy didn't seem too phased by the ever-nearing rocks beneath him. The Night Fury managed to grab Hiccup before hitting the rocks. Hiccup got back on him pulling him barely skimming the water. His tail was still closed. Hiccup opened it shooting up into the air above us. Toothless shot some plasma blasts making the almost night sky light up. He dove through the flames to meet us. "Like that." Hiccup told us about the free fall. Toothless only shot then blasts for fun. "Who's next?" Hiccup asked.

"I'll do it!" Snotlout yelled falling off of Hookfangs back. "Watch this!" Hookfang continued to fly straight. 

"Think we should say something to Hookfang?" Tuffnut asked.

"Lemme sleep lm it," Ruff told him.

Toothless let out a loud screech. "Hookfang... Snotlout." Hiccup hissed. Hookfang looked down to see Snotlout falling. He dove to reach him. Hiccup sighed madly. Hookfang wasn't going to make it. "Toothless!" Toothless growled, before spiral diving towards Snotlout spinning past Hookfang. He caught Snotlout in his claws pulling up. He dropped in on Hookfang shooting back up to us. Hookfang followed.

Snotlout scratched the back of his head looking at Hiccup. "Thanks..." he told him embarrassed.

Hiccup gave him a faint smile then looked to Fishlegs. "You?" Hiccup pointed to him.

Fishlegs froze on Meatlug. "No, I'm good."

"It's a trust exercise. You need to trust that Meatlug will catch you." Hiccup told him.

"Hiccup, I rather do my trusting on the ground!" Fishlegs complained.

I look to Hiccup. "Hiccup, I'll do it," I say standing up on Stormfly's back as backflip off of her falling back first to get more surface. Stormfly shot underneath me as I land in her back. I go back to Hiccup and the gang. "It's not that hard!" I tell Fishlegs.

"Hiccup made it look hard!" he whined.

"Uh, how exactly?" Hiccup asked tilting is head confused. 

"The way you just backed off of Toothless. What if he didn't catch you?"

"He'll always catch me. I trust him." Hiccup grunted. "And you should trust Meatlug to catch you." Hiccup explained surprisingly calm. He's been very feverish today. I don't think he knows it. Toothless balanced himself letting out a screech. "Yeah, you're right bud, we better we get home!" He coughed. He sneezed shortly after. "Let's go!" he called to us flying back towards the academy.

We follow him slowly as he dives for the academy. Of course, he's going to be quick about it. He doesn't want to get questioned. He jumped off Toothless in mid-air landing on the ground. I land next to him. The gang floated above us.

"We're going to go!" Snotlout called.

"Okay," I sighed as Hiccup distracted me with a sneeze. The gang didn't say anything. They all gave us a look then took off. I look to Hiccup after they left. He was on his knees fixing Toothless' harness. "You feeling okay?" I ask. He only nodded, as his gaze stayed on his Dragon's harness/ I sigh myself going to Stormfly fixing her saddle. "You sounded pretty off today!" I say looking at him.

"I'm okay, I'm just a little tired!" he tells me. I turn to him as he stood up. I slowly walk his way. He went to go take a step when he suddenly slammed into Toothless, falling against him.

'Till The Day I Die [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now