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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I jumped off Toothless in mid-air landing on the ground. Astrid landed next to me. The gang floated above us. "We're going to go!" Snotlout called.

"Okay," Astrid responded, though she turned to me as I sneezed. The gang didn't say anything. They all gave us a look then took off. Astrid looked to me after they left. I go to my knees, starting to fix Toothless' harness. "You feeling okay?" She asked. I only nodded.  She sighed, going to Stormfly fixing her saddle. "You sounded pretty off today!" She said looking at me.

"I'm okay, I'm just a little tired!" I tell Astrid calmly.

She turned to me as I stood up. She slowly walked my way. I went to go take a step when I suddenly felt dizzy, slamming into Toothless, falling against him.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I watch as Hiccup fell. He looked like he was in pain. "Hiccup?" He slowly tried to push himself up breathing heavily. His dull gaze was fixed on Toothless' body. He looked puzzled. I run to him quickly. "Hiccup, what happened?" I ask him pulling him up. He's cold.

"I don't..." he started then trailed off.

"Hiccup...?" No reply. "Hiccup.?...." Still no reply. Toothless suddenly let out a loud screech. I look down at him to see Hiccup against Toothless again. Past out. "Oh, gods! c'mon let's get out of here." I utter to myself pulling Hiccup onto Toothless. "Stormfly, follow!" I tell my dragon getting on Toothless being that he can't fly without someone.

I shot up into the air on Toothless, flying towards Hiccup's house. I land by his house jumping off Toothless. I see Stoick and Gobber outside fixing the roof from Toothless' constant nagging to go flying. I balance Hiccup's motionless body in Toothless, making the Night Fury follow me. I run towards Stoick and Gobber. "Stoick!" I yell to him getting near. He looked at me in down from the ladder.

"What can I do for you Astrid?" he asked.

"It's Hiccup. He's out cold. He's not waking up." I say out of breath.

Stoick looked to Toothless to see Hiccup. He ran to his son before I had a chance to say anything. He lifted his small son off Toothless bringing him close to him. "He's still breathing. That's good." He muttered. He looked at me. "Come." He told me, going into his house. I look to Gobber as he goes in. I hesitate a little then went inside.

I found Stoick in Hiccup's room laying his son on his bed. Hiccup made no attempt to move. I heard Toothless purr telling me he was up here. He continued to purr as he went to Hiccup's bed laying at the end wrapping his wing and tail around him.

"Will he be okay?" I ask nervously.

Stoick looked at me. "We'll need Gothi." He said to me slowly.

I take a deep breath getting more worried. I really hope he's okay.

Hours later, the gang and I were in the Mede hall. Everyone Viking wax except for Hiccup. He still hasn't woken up yet. But Gothi has written that he's badly ill. It's probably impossible to find a cure. Somehow Hiccup has contracted an impossible illness. A stubborn one at most!

I listen to the din of noisy voices. Every Viking was pestering Stoick about Hiccup. Stoick glowered in the firelight. Surrounded by his crew. Gobber at his side. "My son is getting sicker by the second. Finding a cure will be impossible." He started. He sighs looking at the map he used to find the dragons. "We'll do a search. Before the ice sets in. We need to find something."

"The ship will never come back." Someone yelled.

"We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard. We're doing this for Hiccup. He's improved our island so much with the Dragons. Now, who's with me?" 

"I've gotta do my axe returns." Someone said as Stoick throws up his fist. No one follows. The crowd shifts in restless silence. Head scratches. Eyes averted. "Today's not good for me."

That's when Chief Stoick started fuming. "We're doing this do my son, who could die at any time now." Stoick started. "Hiccup needs a cure! Now! Those for those who think this trip is too dangerous, we're talking about the boy who risked his own life to take on the Red Death by himself, knowing there was little chance of surviving. That same boy also ended the war with Vikings and Dragons! He saved us all!"

"To the ships!" Hands jut into the air, volunteers galore. Enthusiastic murmurs of prep and packing fill the room.  "I'm with you, Stoick!"

"That's more like it." The Vikings rush for the door, leaving Gobber, Stoick and myself. I slowly walk to them.

Gobber gulps back the contents of his tankard attachment and scrapes back the bench. "I'll pack my undies." He said to Stoick before getting up.

"No, I need you to stay and watch Hiccup for me. He needs to have a close eye on him now." Stoick told Gobber.

"Um, Stoick," I mumble out loud. "I'll watch him if you like. I don't mind." I say.

Stoick sighed. "Thank you, Astrid."

"Whatever happens don't tell him I'm leaving. It'll put more stress on him." Stoick added.

"I won't. I promise." I say.

I see the worried look in his eyes. He doesn't want to lose his son. I know how he feels. He's already lost his wife. He may lose the last thing he has of Hiccup's mother. I know he doesn't want to lose Hiccup as a son. I don't want to lose my best friend.

'Till The Day I Die [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now