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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I slowly open my eyes looking around. I'm in my bed again. Why did everything hurt? Whatever happened? I heard footsteps. I looked over and saw my father coming to me. "D-Dad," I mumbled, feeling my body ache.

"I'm right here son," my dad said to me sitting down beside my bed.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You passed out during training." He said.

I look around. "Where's Toothless?" I ask. I started to sit up, but only to be gently pushed down by my dad.

"No, no Hiccup. You aren't allowed to leave your bed for a while." My dad started. "Toothless is out with all of the other dragons. After three days by your side, I decided that needed some fresh air."

"I've been asleep for three days?" I ask.

My father only looked at me, and I saw the worried look in his eyes. I suddenly felt pain in my chest, scrunching up trying to make it go away. I wrapped my arms around my torso. The pain was too much. "Hiccup--"

"I'm fine," I muttered.

"Are you cold?" Dad asked, but his only reply was me shaking my head no.

"How's everybody else?" I asked.

I started to sit up again, but dad gently pushed him back down on his pillow again. "Hiccup, no getting out of bed. You're not allowed." He hissed.

"Why not?"

"You're not strong enough to hold you're own weight right now. Everybody else is just fine. Now, why don't you get some rest?"

"I'm not tired," I mumbled.

I looked around a little. My eyesight clearing more. "Hiccup, it's time to go back to sleep," Dad said silently as he pulled the covers all the way up to my chin.

I pushed the blanket away sitting up a little. "I'm not tired," I say then sniff the air. My dad was making something and it smelled good to him. 

"Hiccup," He repeated giving me a stern look but didn't pressure me.

I decided to change the subject. "What are you making?"

My dad smiled again. "Are you hungry?"

The truth was, I was starving. I could eat an entire yak right now, but this was my father. I never asked for anything from my father. "No, Dad, I'm not hungry," I answered.

My father frowned. "How could you not--" Dad was cut off mid-sentence by the loud grumble that came from my stomach. He raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?" He asked as he grabbed the wooden bowl from the counter and brought it over to me. I started to sit up, but dad gently pushed him down. He brought the spoon up to my mouth. "Open," he said. I looked at him, confused.

"What do you--"

"Hiccup, you are in no condition to do, well, anything. For example, eating." I sighed madly but opened my mouth. The broth tasted so good against my throat. In just a few minutes, the bowl was empty. I didn't realize how hungry I was. "Hiccup,"


"It's time to go back to sleep," Dad said silently as he pulled the covers up again.

"Fine..." I mumbled letting my dad the tuck me in.

I was starting to have a battle with my eyelids that wanted to close but I refused to let them. "Shhhhh, Hiccup, you're safe." Finally, my eyelids won the battle, and I closed my eyes. Within minutes, I was asleep

'Till The Day I Die [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now