-Staying Up Late-

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Zach's POV

As soon as the pizza arrives we eat, we didn't even get out plates, we just ate over the box.
When we were full, I decided to watch T.V. with her.
I sat on the couch and she followed me, now in her pajamas.
I turned on South Park and watched as she stared at the television.
"Mrs. Rosemary doesn't let me watch this, so I have to watch it when she's asleep."
She said, making me chuckle a bit.
"Well, you can watch whatever here, as long as it's not porn or a Jake Paul video."
She looked up at me with her head sideways and asked, "What are those?"
I look back and say, "Dont worry about it."
We continue to watch until about midnight, that's when our stomachs started to growl again.
I got up and reheated the leftover pizza and brought it into the living room along with a two liter of Mountain Dew.
She ate two more slices of pizza and drank almost half of the soda.
At about one o'clock I realized that I had to go to work tomorrow, and had to take her with me.
She'd have nothing to do there, unless someone slacks off and plays with her.
Hopefully, that won't happen and she'll just sit and watch cartoons on my phone or something.
And just as I was thinking that, she asked, "Do you have a job?"
I rub my eyes and say, "Well, I'm a YouTuber, I make videos and if people like them, I get money."
Right after I said that, adult swim went off and infomercials came on.
"Can I see the videos?" she asked.
I pull out my phone and go to my channel.
The first video I showed her was the, Get Out Of My Car Now, video.
She cried laughing and I think Mountain Dew almost came out of her nose.
"Can I see another one? Please?"
She begged.
I then got the bright idea to show her this video, it was a Sleepy Cast lost episode.

"Who are those other people?"
She asks in the middle of the podcast.
"Oh, thats Chris, Niall, and Jeff. You'll see them tommorow when I bring you to my office. Some other people will be there too, I'll introduce you to them tommorow."
She nodded and continued to listen.
When that podcast went off I decided to browse through Twitter.
Eventually I felt something lean on my arm.
I looked down to see her laid on me while watching my phone.
At about two o'clock I tell her that it's time for bed, she responded with, "But I'm not sleepy..."
I turned off the T.V, which was the only light source other than the moon.
She gasped and clinged to me, "Turn it back on!"
She stumbled.
With one arm holding her and the other scrambling for the remote, I quickly turned the T.V back on.
"Are you scared of the dark?"
I ask.
I felt her nod into my chest.
I picked her up and brought her into my room to go get a night light from the box of junk in my closet.
I found the light, plugged it into the wall in her bedroom, and then laid her down in her own bed.
"Well, I guess I'll see ya in the morning. It was fun staying up late with you!"
I say before leaving.
But before I exited the room, she said, "Thank you...for adopting me..."
I turn around and reply with, "No problem kid."
I then turn off the light and go to my room.
As I lie in my bed, I think about how much I've already kind of grown to like this kid.
As I think, I slowly drift off to sleep.

The Next Morning

I woke up at about nine o'clock to someone gently tugging on my shirt sleeve.
I looked over to see Sunny with my phone ringing in her hand.
"It's for you." She whispered, wishing not to startle me.
"Thanks Sunny."

I answer the phone and say, "Zach speaking."

Chris returns the favor with a, "Hey Zach, So I only told Niall about you adopting because he was the only one at the office besides me and you today.
He's really excited to meet her, you are bringing her, right?
I yawn and say, "Cool, I'm bringing her, we'll be there in about thirty minutes, bye."

Then I hung up the phone.

"Okay kiddo, go get dressed, I have to go to work and you have to come with me."

She did as told and went to get some clothes on.
When we were both dressed we headed out to the office.
On the way there I listened to my old 08s metal CDs, and surprisingly, she knew a few of the songs.
When we arrive I look at her through the rear view mirror and say, "Okay, there is a man named Chris, call him slender man, he loves it, and the other guy's name is Niall, but call him Faggot, Okay?"

She nodded and then we headed inside.
The first person we see, is of course, Chris.
"Hey kiddo! I'm Chris!"
He says, kneeling down to reach her height.

"Hey slender man." She says back.

He stands up and looks at me with anger, "Did you tell her to call me that!" he yelled.

"Maybe..." I snickered.

He groaned and then went to go tell Niall that we were here.
A few minutes later Naill ran into the room and said, "She's so cute!"

He kneeled down just like Chris did and was only five inches away from her face.
"Hey, give the kid some space!"

I say, making him stand back up.

"So what's her name?" He asks.

"Sunny, she's six years old."
I respond.

Chris walks back in the room now holding a cup of coffee.

"I guess we should get back to work now..." Niall suggests.

"Not me, I finished up last night." Chris boasts.

"Good, now you get to watch Sunny while we work!"
I say as I pick up Sunny and hand her to Chris.

As soon as he gets her he makes a face and says with a funny voice, "We're gonna be best friends!"

Niall has already gone back to work by the time I said, "Don't scare her, watch her."

He nods and then heads to the lounging area.
I go to my desk and then start to animate some Hellbenders.

Adopted By PshycicPebbles (Zach Hadel)Where stories live. Discover now