-Bread War-

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Chris's POV

I sat her down on the couch with me and then asked her what she wanted to do, she replied with, "Watch South Park!"

I chuckled and answered, "Well, that's not on T.V right now, but I have a better idea. Follow me..."

She followed me into the kitchen area where I picked up a loaf of bread and carried it back to Zach's part of the office, "Stay here, watch this." I whisper to her.

I walk up behind Zach and yell, "Hey Fag, Make me a sandwich!"

As I throw a peice of bread at him.

He then picks up the bread that I threw at him off the ground and throws it back.
Soon enough we were in a heated bread war, and it was getting intense. Until Sunny stepped in and started throwing bread at Zach too,
"Why are you on his side! I'm your dad!"
He yelled.
Niall eventually entered the room out of curiosity and then left after trying to say,
"What's going o-?"

When the war was over, Zach went back to work while me and Sunny cleaned up the bread that was all over the floors.
"Wasn't that fun?" I asked.
"Yeah!" she giggled.
We then headed over to Nialls office space to bother him.
She stayed in the doorway while I snuck up behind him and yelled, "MAN BUN!" then ran away holding Sunny.
He chased after us until we ended up back over where Zach was.
We were cornered, until Zach stepped between us and said, "Stop! We need to work, Here's twenty dollars, go to the dollar store and play around."
He said, handing me a twenty dollar bill.
I accepted and then carried her to my car with me.
I sat her down in the front seat for fun and buckled her up, then got into the driver seat.
About half way to the Dollar store everything was fine, we were laughing at the comedy central channel on the radio, until suddenly, a huge semi-truck pulled out in front of us at top speed.
Luckily I slammed on the breaks and put my hand on her forehead to stop her from flying out the window, or banging her head on the glove box.
We both sat in silence for a long fifteen seconds before she started to cry.
"Aww, don't cry, we're fine. See? See?"
I say, only making her cry harder.
I pull over and sit her in the backseat.
I decided to go back to the office rather than going to The dollar store.
The whole way back, she was sniffling.
We pulled into the driveway, I picked her up and carried her to the door step.
"I have to put you down so that I can get my keys, C'mon...."
I say as I put her down.
She immediately clinged to my legs and started to cry again.
I knew something was wrong because she had been crying the whole time, you would think she would be over it by now.
So when we got inside, I put my keys on the table, squated down to her height and said, "C'mon, tell me what's wrong...please?"
She rubbed her eyes and sniffled, "My real mommy and daddy died in a car crash....And I don't want you to die too..."
All of the sudden I feel terrible.
She leaned into me and I picked her up, swaying her side to side as I said with my deeper, more serious voice, "Shhh, everything is okay, we're fine. I promise...Shhh."
Soon she was asleep, so I laid her down on the couch in the sitting area, and then went to tell Zach what had happened.
"WHAT! Okay, give me my twenty dollars back, you finish my work for the day, I'll take her home."
He yells at me.
I sit down at his desk and start animating while he goes to check on the girl.

Zach's POV

I walk over to the couch where Sunny was asleep, her eyes were puffy and red from crying.
I scoop her up bridal style and carry her to my car.
I sit her in the back without waking her up and then drive home. I drove slower than I usually do, just to be safe.
When we got home she woke up.
"Where's Chris?" She yawned.
"He's fine. Him and Niall are back at the office, I got to go home early."
I say in return.
We walked inside and sat down on the couch.
I turned on Adult Swim but since it was only eleven o'clock, it was cartoons.
So after watching T.V for about an hour we got hungry.
"Is Ramen noodles good?"
I ask.
She nodded as I got up to go fix us some.
As I was cooking I got a text from Chris, the text read, "Hey, just finished animating, I was gonna stop by if that's okay."
I finished cooking and then texted back, "Yeah that's fine. Just don't talk about the whole car thing."
Then we ate.
"So, Chris is coming over on a little bit, you might wanna eat fast." I say with a mouthful of noodles.
And of course, a little bit after we finished, he arrived.
We heard a knock at the door and I let her answer, "That must be Chris, can you go let him in?"
She puts her bowl in the sink and then opens the front door.



They both said.
She raised her hands up to the sky, meaning that she wanted to be picked up.
He did so, and brought her next to me on the couch.
We all sat and watched Adventure Time since that's what we all agreed on.
In the middle of the episode Chris jumped up and said, "Oh yeah! I forgot."
He then pulled out a folded up coloring book out of his back pocket and handed it to Sunny.
She leaned in to hug him while saying, "I love it!"

Adopted By PshycicPebbles (Zach Hadel)Where stories live. Discover now