Water Park

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Zach's POV

"When we get home you need to go straight to bed and rest, hopefully by tommorow your black eye will be gone." I say as we drive home.
"Okay..." she says.
By the time we arrive home she had fallen asleep in the back seat.
But someone has to help me bring the groceries inside.
So I gently shook her and said, "C'mon Sunny....You need to help me take in groceries."
She got up and rubbed her eye, not the black one, but the good one.
We only had to make about two trips before getting all the food inside.
"Okay, time to go to bed."
I say as I walk her to her room.
She gets into bed and I cover her up with blankets.
"You know, you're really tough. Most kids would have screamed and cried if they got hit by an old man.
But I think it made you cooler."
I say, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Thanks, for saving me..." she said.
I found myself moving the hair off of her forehead while saying, "It was no big deal...Alright, goodnight tough guy."
She returned the favour with, "Night stinky head!"
And with that, I shut the door and went to go unload groceries in the kitchen.
As I was putting the food away I began to think about everything that had just happened, I couldn't wait to tell Chris tommorow.
After I finished putting away all the food I decided that I should got to bed too, since it was almost 1:00.

The next day

I woke up at around ten with two texts from Chris, "Hey Zach, is it okay if I just come around eleven? I wanted to get there early so that we can be in the front of the line."
I replied back with, "Yeah that's fine, I just woke up."
I got up and headed to Sunny's room to wake her up so that she has time to eat pack and get dressed.
Before interrupting her sleep, I take a look at how peaceful she looks.
I then move the hair out of her face so that I could get a better look at her eye.
It wasn't as bad as it was yesterday, but it healed a little bit over night.
Then I whisper, "Sunny, Baby wake up..."
She slowly opens her eyes and sits up.
"Chris is coming in an hour to take you to the water park, go ahead and eat some breakfast."
She does as told and follows me into the kitchen where I fix us each a bowl of cereal.
As we eat she asks, "Can you come with us to the water park?"
I finish chewing and then answer, "No, I have to go to work. But I'll see you when you get back."
Then we finish eating and we put our bowls in the sink.
"Okay, now go get your bathing suit on, and I'll pack you a bag."
I say as we head back to her room.
She grabs her bathing suit and goes to the bathroom to change.
I pack her book bag with extra clothes, a towel, and sunscreen.
We both finish at the same time and meet each other back in the living room.
We sit on the couch and watch Adult Swim until We hear a knock on the door.
"That must be Chris, why don't you go answer it." I say.
She hops off the couch and goes to the door, where she barely reaches the doorknob but still manages to open it.
"Chris!" she exclaims.
She jumps into his arms and he catches her.
After a short hug he puts her back down.
"Woah, what's with the black eye?" he asks as he kneels down to get a closer look.
"Well, we were watching a fight at Wal-Mart last night, and She got a bit to close and one of the old men got her." I explain.
"Yeah! And Zach got him back!" Sunny says excitedly.
"You hit a dude at Wal-Mart!" Chris says to me.
"Well he hit my kid so that's what he fucking gets."
I say, starting to get frustrated just thinking about it.
"Cool! Anyways, we gotta go." Chris says.
I kneel down to Sunny and hug her goodbye.
"You two have fun!" I say as they get in Chris's car. After they leave, I head to the Sleepy Cabin office to work on some animations.

Chris's POV

We get in the car and start to drive towards to water park.
This water park wasn't anything like White Water, but it was something to do.
When we arrive it was about eleven thirty and there weren't a lot of people.
We got in and the first thing I did was take her to the kiddie pool so that she could play around.
After she played there for a while I took her to the water slide while there was no line.
It was a lot of stairs so I carried her on my back until we reached the top.
I sat down on the edge and then sat her in my lap.
I then laid back and slipped down the slide.
"Weeee!" She said, making me laugh and say the same thing.
When we reached the bottom it threw is into a pool.
"Wow, that was fun!" I said.
But I got nothing in return.
"Sunny?" I say.
I look around and realize that she can't swim.
So I start to panic and swim down to grab her.
I swim to the edge of the pool with her on my back and then lay her down on the edge of the pool.
She starts to cough up water as I get out of the pool.
I pick her up and hug her while saying, "Oh my god I'm sorry, I didn't know that you can't swim! Please forgive me..."
I set her down on the ground, and She says, "I forgive you."
I hold her hand and walk back to go grab a towel so that we can dry off and go get something to eat.

Adopted By PshycicPebbles (Zach Hadel)Where stories live. Discover now