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Author's Note: This chapter contains smut. Don't be alarmed :).

--- LUKE ---

"Goddamnit Michael." I swear as I notice the pizza guy was in the elevator with them. He sets the pizza on the table closest to the elevator and looks around.

No one else makes a move to tip the dude so I stride toward him, shoving all the cash in my wallet into his hands and muttering "Sorry about... them."

The guy nods before stepping back into the elevator. My friends descend upon the kitchen like they've been starved and I can't help the laugh that escapes when Michael jumps onto the counter, producing a candle from his pocket with a flourish.

"I heard" he shouts in my direction, "that it's your new friend's birthday!"

"ohmygod" Ruby mumbles into her hands where she's buried her face as her shoulders shake with laughter. The guys are in rare form, harmonizing ridiculous versions of Happy Birthday and clapping.

Ashton's pouring shots, and Calum rounds the counter heading straight toward Ruby and me.

He holds a shot out to each of us and declares "TO RUBY!" before we all down them.

In a few fluid strides, he's across the room and lifting Ruby off her feet, twirling in a circle and flinging her tiara off her head into my chest. Without a second thought, I catch it and slide it onto my own head as Michael jams the now-lit candle into the pizza so we can serenade Ruby. She looks equal parts thrilled and horrified, but closes her eyes and blows out the candle when the song ends. Michael passes her the slice of pizza with the candle in it as everyone passes plates and food around and we all eat like we're starving.

When the pizza is almost gone, the boys quickly find their way out of the penthouse in favor of more exciting adventures. I don't know or care what they're getting up to but I know exactly what adventures I'm hoping to have, and I'm pretty sure Ruby does too. I jump over the back of the couch and land gracefully (thank god), patting the space next to me. Instead of sitting, she stands directly in front of me, staring down at me and looking amused.

"What?" I cock my eyebrow and lick my lips, watching her watch me.

She grins before reaching down to tug the forgotten tiara off my head. When she leans down to place it on the table, I seize the opportunity and pull her toward me gently enough that she can stop me if she wants but firmly enough that my intentions are clear.

She comes willingly, and I settle her onto my lap, wasting no time as we've already wasted quite enough. Waiting isn't my strong suit.

Our lips meet, less tentatively than before as she tangles her hands in my hair again.

"I fed you..." my hand slides under the hem of her shirt as I remind her that I held up my end of the bargain. She deepens the kiss, nipping at my lips.

She releases her hold on my hair when I stop kissing her and move to her neck, sucking lightly at the skin there where I can feel her pulse pounding. Her hands are on the buttons of my shirt, pulling them apart deftly. I can't keep up with the intoxicating feel of her hands on my chest, my biceps, my shoulders and I'm dizzy with wanting her. I groan into her neck as she shifts her hips, increasing the friction between us over too many layers of our clothes.

--- RUBY ---

I only have so much chill, and I lose every ounce of it when Luke groans against my throat.

I'm wearing too many clothes, I decide, and if he's not going to fix that then I will.  I move my hands lower, across his stomach and release the last of the buttons on his shirt, tugging it from his shoulders until it falls. I want to touch every inch of him as much as I want him to touch me so I pull my shirt over my head and toss it onto the floor with his.

He pulls back and looks up at me, his usually light eyes dark and unreadable. Then, he grins slow and wicked as he flips us over so that I'm laying long ways on the couch underneath him. He's in control and from the look on his face that's exactly how he likes it.

He kisses down my chest, across my collarbone and the top of one breast as he moves toward my stomach, leaving kisses across my ribs and back up to my neck again.

I shift my hips toward him and wrap a leg around his waist. He grips my thigh and I can feel him snugly against me as our bodies fit together like magic. Without thinking, I rock my hips again to increase our contact. He growls, his mouth against mine going still before he pulls back a breath, mouth and eyes both pressed closed.

"Don't. Do. That." He speaks through gritted teeth and his voice is low as he opens his eyes so I can see the desire burning there.

I do it again, slowly this time and I hold his gaze with wide eyes full of intent that mirror his lust.

He makes a sound somewhere between a choke and a moan before slamming his mouth against mine. The clasp on my bra comes free, and I let it fall to the floor. I'm not sure if he's unsnapped it or I have but I'm glad it's off as he leans away from my body to look more freely.  He moves toward me like a magnet drawn to metal until he makes contact. The gentle scrape of his teeth and heat of his mouth are overwhelming.

I gasp but I'm not sure if it's at his expert skill or the feel his hands at the waist of my jeans, touching tentatively like he's asking for permission. I'm not sure what kind of permission he wants exactly, so I lift my hips and whisper "Yes" at the same time. He wastes no time tugging them down my thighs and shifting his weight so he can use his foot to push them down before sliding down my body to unzip my boots. He pushes it all to the floor and that devilish gleam is back as he kisses slowly up my inner thigh. I make a strangled sound, unsure but anticipating his next move as he leaves quick kisses across my hip and ribs until he makes his way back up to my lips. He presses against me, pushing one thigh between my legs to support himself and –

"LUKE! Have you seen my walle....oh" Michael bursts into the room yelling and in frantic motion, but freezes when he catches sight of us.

"WHAT THE FUCK MICHAEL" Luke roars, shifting his body to cover me from view.

"I'm sorry! I just need my wallet. I- I left it and we're going out!" he stammers rapidly, looking equally amused and embarrassed. I press back into the couch, trying to escape the heat of Luke's body and hoping I can melt into the surface to disappear entirely.

Luke swings his feet to the floor, grabbing a blanket that he tosses to me as he stands. I cover myself with it, but he seems unconcerned by the obvious bulge at the front of his well-fitting slacks as he stalks toward the kitchen, looking for Michael's wallet.

I try to slow my breathing and my thoughts as I'm laying nearly naked under a blanket while Michael and Luke destroy the room in their (fruitless) search. When they head down the hall toward Michael's room, I grab my clothes from the floor and re-dress as quickly as possible. 

"AH-HA!" I hear Michael shout and he sounds victorious.

They both round the corner at the same time: a huge grin on Michael's face, and a scowl on Luke's. He's still shirtless, disheveled curls and bedroom eyes really ruining the intensity of the angry set of his jaw.

Michael grabs the last slice of pizza from the counter and hops into the elevator with a grin and wave and then he's gone.

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