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I used the unwelcome interruption to redress, but when Luke returns he is still shirtless and fuming.

"Well, that sucked." I say matter-of-factly and the stony set of Luke's mouth dissolves into a grin and he half huffs, half laughs.

"You're not fucking kidding," his voice is nearly a growl as he shifts closer, reaching for the hem of my shirt again. He clearly hasn't lost the motivation to pick up where we left off, but I'm feeling a bit more cautious.

Recalling the bottle of vodka Ash left on the counter after birthday shots, I grin and hop to my feet.

"I've got an idea!"

He follows me into the kitchen and I pour us both shots and slide his across the counter toward him.

"Cheers" we chorus, clinking our glasses before downing the fiery liquid. No matter how rich you are and how aged your vodka is, I guess it always feels like drinking flames.

Luke lifts the bottle and his eyebrow and I nod, agreeing to his silent inquiry of another shot. We take this one much the same way, and it isn't long before I'm feeling the heat in my belly and some freedom in my bones.

I excuse myself to the bathroom so I can pee and check my makeup, only to discover there's basically none left.  I worked hard on putting myself together tonight, and I sigh at the mess that remains now. I wipe my eyes to clear the errant mascara smudges, and attempt to smooth my forever-wild hair. Deciding it's good enough, I return to the living room where I'd left Luke only to find it empty.

"Luke?" I call softly. He doesn't reply, but I hear music in the distance and follow the faint melody to a door at the end of a long hallway. I knock lightly and wait for acknowledgement that comes as a soft "hmm" before I slowly open the door.

Luke is standing at a window that boasts a view similar to the living room; his back is to me and I can hear him singing along. Chills wash over me as the reality of this night floods me.  Hearing him sing softly to himself reminds me of the absolute improbability of everything that had occurred so far- and what still could. I admire the man in front of me, eyes traveling slowly from hisgolden curls to well-manicured nailsand down to his iconic gold boots.

"I can see you in the glass, you know." He sounds amused, not annoyed, and when he turn I note the shot glasses in his hand, each filled with more of the clear liquid. He holds one out to me without looking back and I take it, gratefully downing the liquid courage in this moment that seems too extraordinary to be happening.

I cross the room and stand at his side, looking out at the city lights. We are in his bedroom and I am acutely aware of what we almost did just a few minutes ago, but I don't know where to go from here. I honestly just can't believe he hasn't asked me to leave yet.

He turns to me, a half smile playing on his lips and a single dimple flashing in his cheek. His eyes are bright with vodka light, but aware. A quick mental check tells me I am well on the way to drunk, but still in charge of all my decision making faculties. I return the smile and the space between us is getting smaller though I'm not really sure who's moving. Somehow we are touching again, his hands are on my back, and mine are on his shoulders. I bite my lip, suddenly unsure.

"Ruby" his voice is low, nearly a whisper, and he's looking at my mouth.

My breath catches when I try to speak so I settle for, "hm?"

"I feel like we're about to waltz when we stand like this," he giggles as he looks down at our bodies, extending his right hand in proper 'form'.

I am NOT expecting that and snort out a laugh, looking up at this arrogant but goofy giant. He might be used to getting what he wants, but what he wants isn't always what you're expecting.

"Then what are you waiting for, Hemmings? Let's waltz." I step with him, putting my hand in his so he can take the lead. He laughs but wastes no time waltzing to a playlist that's absolutely unsuited for this kind of thing. Neither of us is very good at waltzing, it turns, out, and there's a lot more laughing and toe stepping as we start again and again before he spins and dips me. Lucky for me this happens quite close to the bed because the alcohol rears its unstable head as we dip and instead we tumble together into the softness of the mattress.

We are laughing so hard now that I can barely catch my breath so instead of jumping up, we both roll back onto the bed gasping and trying to drag air into our lungs. Several minutes pass before giggles slow and our ragged breathing settles. I glance over at Luke and notice his eyes are closed, and the rise and fall of his chest is soft and even. I poke his cheek lightly, but he doesn't respond.

I grin at the sleeping boy next to me as I move slowly toward the edge of the bed. It looks like the end of this roller coaster of a night has arrived, and sneaking out now is probably the cleanest break. But as my feet hit the floor, I feel his hand at my wrist.

"Stay" he mumbles.


It doesn't take much for me to fall into an easy sleep after a show and just the right amount of alcohol, and I guess that's what happened.  I feel the mattress shift and crack one eye open (when did I close them?) to see Ruby moving carefully toward the edge of the bed.

I don't even think twice before the word leaves my mouth, and I can sense her hesitation as the silence hangs between us. I'm tired, but I'm not unaware of what I've said.

She's still sitting at the edge of the bed, feet on the floor and this could go either way.

I sleep alone most nights on tour. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of sex. But I don't often encourage them to hang out once I've gotten what I need. I do not mix business with pleasure and hanging out with my band isn't part of the deal when they fall into my bed. Tonight though, tonight's been fun. It's obvious Ruby is a fan, but she's refused photos and treated me like a relatively normal person. It feels simple, and just for tonight, I'm hoping for some simple company after a lot of nights alone on the road.

I roll to my side, facing her and trying to shake off the haze of alcohol and exhaustion to elaborate.

"Stay. Please." I repeat, sleep still lacing my voice but more clearly than before.

I watch her as carefully as I can in the dark room, her eyes trailing over my face and the view out the window behind us. She sighs, but lifts her feet back up on to the bed. I pull mine up too, gently laying my boots across her folded legs and wiggling my toes. I hope she'll get the hint and take them off because now that I'm here I'm just too tired to do another thing.

She does, sliding the zippers down the sides and tugging the shoes from my feet.

"God, Luke. These boots cost more than my rent, I think" she sounds impressed and a little disgusted as she studies my shoes. I just shrug.

I can feel sleep lingering at the corners of my thoughts, and I know it won't be long before I drift off again. I shift my body, still clothed except for the shirt I'd lost hours ago, under the covers and lift the edge to invite Ruby to do the same. She tentatively slides in next to me and I move closer to her, resigning myself to being the big spoon at least for tonight. We drift off into darkness, my arms full of a beautiful woman and I am content.

It feels like I only slept for like a second before the sunlight is streaming in and I'm awake again. I try to focus on the clock on the wall, but instead I note the empty expanse of bed beside me.

Ruby is gone.

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