14: The Morning

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Would it be best if I wake him up, or do I just break free with a karate chop?

A morning with somebody sure is awkward. My father thought it would be mentally healthy to leave a child alone, thinking I would gain independence at a very young age; or that he cannot have much time with me since he's busy inspecting dead bodies. I grew up without a mother since the said father paid her loads of money just to stay away from our lives. I don't know why he did that, but that honestly became one of my childhood scars. Geddy came to my life when we were 12. He was a grumpy American raised snot but he immediately became my favorite person. Finally, I wasn't alone anymore. At 15, when Uncle Jerry died, Geddy moved away from me. I don't know where, but he came back a different person at 22. He became an officer with honors; still grumpy, still snotty, but more hateful. He became hard to approach but that did not stop me from bunking in with him in a rustic provincial house. Still, in separate rooms.

Not once in my life have I ever had a room mate; a room mate I share a tiny single bed with. A room mate who breaths right in my direction, who blankets himself over me, who smells like fresh garden soil and flowers. A room mate who sleeps so soundly that no matter how I thud his chest, he just hugs me tighter.

"Araki, Araki. Wake up." I thud harder. Araki's eyes met mine as he opens them fastly. He didn't even moan, he didn't even stretched, he just woke up and smiled at me.

What a psycho.

He gave me space to adjust myself and I took that opportunity to move out of bed. "Where are you going?"

"Coffee." I said.

"There's Barako coffee in the counter. I know they're your favorite." He moved out of the bed as well. He came to my side to open a high counter cabinet, reaching a sealed bag of Barako ground beans. "The coffee maker is here. I'll toast some bread for you. You like them with butter right?"

Araki proceeded on the other side of kitchen where the toaster lie. I followed him by sight due to my irritation. He knows so much about me, and here I am, not knowing as single ounce of his plan. Can I just ask him straightly? No. He said it would be a surprise. However, I cannot just wait until he reveals this surprise because that would mean things already started (or ended). It would be too late to save the world. I need to find out what he's hiding before they even take place.

"Stop boring holes through my back, honey." He snickered.

I stopped looking, aware that all this time I've been giving him a hard glare. He knows I'm here to investigate him, and not because I want a reconnection. It's useless to act like a pretend lover, or at least I won't have to gag everytime I act like a pretend lover. I will be spying on him, while he knows that I'm spying him.

I don't know how that sounds like, but it pretty means I'm the world's worst spy and he's the world's best villain. Just my luck.

"Then why not kill me? I can stop your plans, you know."

Araki was done setting up the loaves in the toaster so he moved in front of me with a smile, a kind of creepy smile I still can't get accustomed to. He reached for my cheek, making his thumb dance along my left jaw. "Because, Hansel, I love you. Now that you're here, I'm not letting go of you."

I swatted his hand, fuming my nose breath unto his face. "Then I guess that means I won't have to pretend about liking you, or the entire prospect of staying with you. So don't touch me, don't kiss me, and last night will be the last time we're ever having sex. My butt still hurts so stay away from me!"

Araki looks genuinly hurt, but that did not stop me from swatting his hands again as they try to inch towards my face. "If only I could make you love me again."

"Well why not give me a love potion, you sick-wad? You can put that in my butter, in my coffee, in all the water container. Because fuck you and your morals." I stated quite angrily.

"That stupid priest gave you a kind of potion that will make you immune to any neurologically altering potions. I know he did the right thing, but... " His face scrunched up. He gazed away from my direction when the toaster dinged, fetching the two slices of large buttered breads into a plate. "How about we eat?"

He set the plate on the table, and when the coffee machine dinged seconds after, he transfered the contents in two identical mugs. I was left in the middle of the kitchen/dinning area like a fool in the middle of a serious commotion, even when nothing in his actions can draw any alarm. Ironically, all he did was serve me breakfast. A tall, dark, and hansome man is preparing me breakfast, and that would have looked warm and romantic. Not for me, no. No matter how I really like Barako coffee and that french brand butter. The smell attract me, and so I began stepping towards the small circular table in front of a wide window over-looking the city of Geneve. Geneve is a modern and clean city, there's nothing to like about this atmosphere.

I hatefully reached for the bread, making sure I make a cluttering noise and an agressive bite. I avoid his gaze by any means possible, though I try to sneak some peak to see his reaction. Well, there's no negative reaction. He's just smiling like an idiot as he watches me angrily bite on my toast.

"I'm glad you're here with me now, Hansel." He said out of nowhere.

"I'm not glad at all. But I'll be staying here to stop your plans. I swear on my body, I will find your secrets."

"Swear on it then." He put his hands under his jaw like he's having the high ground. Makes me want to punch his face. "Why not swear on your beautiful body?"

I narrowed my eyes. "That's not what I mean, fucking perverted Tree Demon. I'm not giving you my body just for some information! I will take it out from you, in any way possible!"

"Sure, my love."

"Don't call me that!"

And from here on, my hell starts.

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