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Chapter Three : The Set Up

A few days later Cash was sitting outside on her porch in a daze . She was traumatized, every since they killed Red she hadn't been her self. She was barely getting any sleep because she would have nightmares reliving the night in her dreams  .

Then to make matters worst Dhaz was planning for them to hit their second lick as if the first one didn't go wrong. They came up on six thousand dollars from Reds house , they also came up on four pounds of weed and eight bottles of pills so they should've been good enough to last them at while .

They split the money evenly between the five of them even though Cash and Yanni were the ones who did all the work .

" Hey " She heard someone say , she looked up to see Riq standing above her holding a bag .

" Hey " She said softly .

" I brought you this " He said handing her the bag . She opened it up and looked confused when she seen bras in there . " I remember you telling me how you were outgrowing them so I went and copped you some , let me know if they're not your size I can exchange them "

She looked at the size tag on the bra to see he got her a 34B . " I'm one size up but it's okay these will still fit . Thank you but you didn't have to buy me any Dhaz brought me home some already" She said .

" Well now you have extra " he said as he took a seat next to her . " You look pretty " he complimented . 

" Thank you " she blushed giving him a shy smile.

" What's up with you though ? I noticed these last few days you been walking around all sad and shit " He said .

" It's nothing . I've just been feeling a little down " She said .

" Well let me cheer you up , let me take you somewhere tonight " He said .

" Okay " She said .

He reached into his pocket and handed her a phone . " This is so we can get in touch with each other my numbers already saved in there " He said .

" You didn't have to get me a phone Riq " She said as she tried to hand it back to him .

" I did cause I need a way to get in touch with you , i'll see you later okay ? " he said as he kissed her cheek and stood up walking off . She watched as he walked back over to his friends who were posted up on the corner of the block smoking and drinking .

" What's in the bag ? " She heard so she turned around to see her friend Coco standing above her .

" Bitch what the fuck is you wearing ? " She asked him trying to suppress her laughs . He was wearing a white t-shirt that he cut making it a belly shirt that fell off the shoulder with a pair of jeans that he cut into booty shorts .

" Bitch don't hate I look fine " He said . Coco was a flamboyant around her age who dressed like a girl .

" Nah baby that's sticks and bones this is fine " Cash said as she stood up and rubbed her hand up and down her body .

" Whatever hoe , you still didn't answer me what's in the bag ? " He asked as he grabbed it out of her hand started looking through it . " He brought you bras ? " He asked in confusion .

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