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Chapter Twelve : Reality Check II

" So we have to drive a whole hour with that loud ass weed sitting in the trunk ? " Cash asked Riq as he sat a bag with three pounds of weed in the trunk. Cash didn't know much about the different types of weed but she knew it had to be that good shit because she could smell it a mile away.

" Yeah don't worry we ain't gonna get caught , most the cops round here dirty " Riq assured her as he closed the trunk . He walked over to her side of the car and opened the door for her so that she could get it . Once she was in he closed it and went to his side starting his drive back to the bricks .

She was confused when he pulled up to a building that wasn't hers . " Where we at ? " She asked him as he stopped the car .

" My crib " He said as he got out of the car . She was confused as to why they were there but she got out after and followed behind him as he got the bag of weed out of the car and followed as he unlocked the door to his apartment.

" Why are we here ? " She asked him as she looked around his living room which was also the kitchen and bathroom . It was small but nice and clean .

" I need you to scale and weigh this up " Riq said as he sat the bag on his small kitchen table .

" Why can't you do it ? " She asked holding her hand on her hip .

" You the one said you wanted to put in some work i'm just giving you what you asked for " He said as he kicked off his chucks and turned on his air conditioner that sat in his window.

" So y'all were serious about that ? This dont even make sense we didn't say we wanted to be drug dealers " Cash complained .

" That don't even make since you should prefer a drug dealer over a killer and you better be lucky you had it easy today . Yanni had to rob a pharmacy and hold someone gunpoint , Coco had to stand on the corner and actually sell drugs , Mya had to cook up dope in a hot ass basement and all you did so far was ride with me in the car and sit on your ass you didn't do shit compared to them " Riq fussed .

" How do you scale it ? " Cash asked ignoring his statement . She was over this little punishment they had for them but she would never give the satisfaction of her saying she give up .

Riq walked over to her and showed her what to do to scale it and she immediately got the hang of it and started weighing and bagging up the weed until she was done . " i'm done bring me home " She said .

" Nah come here " Riq said .

" I'm not about to fuck you Riq " She said folding her arm across the chest .

" All I said was come here I didn't say come here so I can fuck you " He said smartly . She rolled her and kicked off her shoes before climbing into bed with him . He smacked his teeth when she sat at the edge of the bed and pulled her to where she was laying next to him . " I told you bout that acting shy shit "

" I wasn't acting shy , I just wanted to sit over there " she lied . She was comfortable with Riq but being so close to him gave her this weird feeling and she didn't know what it was.

" Yeah right " He said as he wrapped his arms around her spooning her  . " Stay the night here with me " He mumbled into her ear.

" I don't have any clothes Riq " She said .

" Yeah you do , I stole some of your clothes from your house they're in my car " He said . She turned around to face him .

" what the fuck , why'd you steal my clothes ? " She asked .

" Cause I wanted you to sleep over and I knew if I straight up asked you ,  you would've said no and came up with every excuse so I just stole your clothes and i'm keeping you here for the night " He said .

" You're weird " She laughed .

" Give me a kiss " He said as he slid his hands to her butt and gripped it .

" Riq I swear if you try some slick shit , i'm biting it off " Cash warned.

He looked at her for a minute and bust out laughing. " And you had the nerve to just call me weird " He said before he moved his hand from her butt and lifted her chin kissing her .

They kissed for a minute before he pulled back and just stared at her . " Why you looking at me like that ? " She asked him .

" I really rocks with you that's all " He said as he squeezed her body pulling her close . He was really feeling Cash but he couldn't shake the bad vibes he was getting from her brother , he knew that nigga was up to something but he just hoped like hell that whatever her brother was plotting that she wasn't apart of it because none of that would matter to him.


" Baby take ten of those bottles and hold them in your purse " Dhaz said to Yanni as they were riding back home . They'd successfully robbed the pharmacy and Yanni wasn't as scared as she thought she would be , it actually gave her this kind of rush .

" Why ? " She asked as she did what he said .

" Them niggas about to benefit off of all my hard work , I always keep a couple bottles to myself and sell it on my own time " Dhaz explained .

" Them niggas look at you like their brother , are you still gonna try and set Riq up ? Cash really likes him " Yanni said .

" Cash is only sixteen ... nine times out of ten they ain't even gonna end up together in the long run and i'm doing this shit for Cash . I'm doing for all of us .. You , Cash , and Q are my family not the rest of them niggas my only concern is getting my family out of this fucking low life " He snapped .

" Okay just be careful I don't want you to end up hurt and I don't want my best friend to get hurt because of you " Yanni said . She still didn't agree with his plan but she knew there was no talking him out of it . His mind was made up , he wanted Riqs throne and he wasn't gonna stop until he got it .

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